Chapter-14 • Three Nations and Fight •

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Seriously, I am losing interest. There is no motivation left in me to write. It's been almost fifteen days since I have stopped writing. I am publishing the drafts. Once they are done, I will have to pause the updates for a month or two because I will have semester exams from the end of the next month. So, vote.

This entire book doesn't normalise domestic or physical abuse. It's their way of showing love or anger or emotions if they slap each other. 

Do not rush with 'this is wrong, red flag...' and all... If you guys don't like, leave. My writing style is this way.

Enjoy reading 🤗💖

Enjoy reading 🤗💖

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10 years ago,

"Are you fine now?" Ma asked, sitting on the bed next to me. I looked at the hospital ceiling and sighed. "What happened?"

"Anu?" I murmured, scared of those images of her when she cut her wrists, "Is she fine?"

Ma sighed and kissed my knuckles. "She is fine." Caressing my hair, she added, "She went back to her home."

Tears brimmed in my eyes, and I shook my head. "Aasthik Khurana will hurt her. Go and get her back, Ma," I whispered with tears. "She cannot live without me."

She leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Sleep, Devu." She got onto her feet and started squeezing juice for me while I stared at the ceiling with tears.

"I am sorry, Ma," I mumbled. "I escaped the jail and came home but didn't let you meet me even when you sobbed for me. I was scared you would not send me to Anu." She stopped for a second but continued again. "It was Anu's eighteenth birthday, and I wanted to meet her. So, I traveled here alone. I was scared the police might take me back to jail. I hid in a local hotel and got the visa through an unofficial source. The next day I fled here; thankfully, no one stopped me, even though a few understood who I was."

Tears rolled down Ma's eyes while I filled them, which I blinked away. "The doctors at the jail told me that I am mentally depressed and suffering from insomnia as a result. But on Anu's birthday night, I slept peacefully in her arms after I made love to her, Ma." She looked up with unknown emotions: a little disappointment, a little disgust, a little anger at me, and a little gratitude for Anu. I adjusted my head on the fluffy pillow as I smiled at Ma. "We made love, Ma. I know you feel it is wrong, but our intentions were pure, our love was pure, and our soul was pure. We didn't do it out of a teenage desire, Ma. We did it because we were scared you all wouldn't let us intertwine our souls. We did it because we wanted not just our bodies to love but also her innocent hopes to see me again and to love my immense devotion to her and her love for me. We did it because we felt it, Ma. Not from our genitals but from our hearts." I closed my eyes and thinned my jaw. "You don't know or understand how pure and happy we felt when we made love, Ma. You will not understand, Papa will not, Aasthik Khurana will not, Dhvani Aunty will not, no one, ma! No one understands it because, for everyone, we are merely teenagers who can't keep their hands to themselves. That's why he tried to kill me mercilessly."

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