Chapter 10: Past Memories

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I walk into our home with a smile on my face to see my mom sobbing on the couch and my father comforting her. My dad looks at me and shakes his head. "Her apprentice Caden was floated today for stealing drugs."

My smile fades as I look at my mom so broken up over him. "Why are you crying mom? He stole from you."

She snaps her head up and looks at me with rage. "He was a good boy!" My father tries to calm her down. "I know he wouldn't steal unless he had to. He has had a tough life."

My face contorts in confusion. "A tough life? He was the ark's favorite child! He was handsome, smart, had loving parents, and a father on the council. What about his life was tough?"

She picks up a pillow next to her and throws it at me. "He didn't deserve to die!"

I catch the pillow and drop it on the ground. "If they had traced the stolen drugs back to you, you would have been floated instead mom. He was putting your life in danger."

"What do you know?!"

"I know because I'm the one who reported him!" My mother stops her sobs and stands from the couch. "Mom I couldn't let you die for that criminal." I soften my voice.

"You did it again." She whispers. "You took my son away from me again!" She is walking towards me now. My father is trying to stop her, telling her to calm down and think.

I slowly step back to get away from her. "He's not your child, I am! I am your own flesh and blood!" I bump into the wall behind me.

She picks up a plate off the table and hurls it at my head. It crashes on the wall beside me, shattering. "You are no child of mine! "You have ruined my life since the day you were born!" My father grabs her to stop her and she grabs another plate and smashes it on his head.

I watch my father hit the ground and look back to see my mother reach her hands out. "Mom please."

She ignores me and grabs hold of my throat and squeezes tight. "You should have been the one to die all those years ago."

"Mama-" I choke out as she squeezes tighter allowing no air to reach my lungs.

"You should have been the one to die today too."

I slowly slide down the wall as I lose strength in my legs. Black spots litter my vision as my hand slides over a broken piece of plate. I grip it tight and the ceramic edges cut my palm. I shed a tear as I plunge the shard into the side of my mother's neck. She lets go of my throat and reaches for her own, trying to stop the blood pouring out from her. She gasps for air as she falls to the floor and blood pools out onto the metal ground. I drop the shard and rush to crawl over to my mom's limp body and try to plug the hole in her neck. "Mommy, mommy I'm sorry." I plead as more tears run down my cheek. My voice is harsh from the damage to my throat. "I'm sorry! Please wake up mama, please!" I choke out sobs as my mother lays on the floor lifeless. Blood is soaking through my clothes as it pools around us.

"Y/n?" My father's eyes open as he sits up.

"Daddy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her." My dad stands up and rushes out the door of our room and out into the hall. "Dad, don't leave me!" I shout. I sob and look back to my mom. I pick up her head and hold her close as I hum that familiar tune, rocking her in my arms. My tears are wetting her hair as they fall off of my cheeks and onto her head.

My dad slams open the door and sees me on the ground. He runs over and sits down and hugs me tight. "I'm sorry dad." I sob into his shirt. "I couldn't breathe anymore and I didn't know what else to do."

He smooths my hair against my head as he shushes me. "Someone's coming to help. It'll be ok." I can feel his tears land on my scalp. "She's gonna be ok."

"Hey, look I need to clean this." I awake with tears in my eyes and quickly wipe my face when I see Clarke talking to the grounder.

Octavia walks up behind Clarke. "Here, let me try." She takes the cloth from Clarke and begins cleaning the grounders' wounds.

"I never wanted him to get hurt, Octavia. You have to know that. I just wanted to save Finn and Y/n." I blink at the mention of my name.

"For the record, you didn't save Finn and Y/n, that was me, but whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better." Octavia says with sass.

I stand up. "What do you mean save me?" Both girls look at me.

"Look who decided to wake up." Octavia smiles.

Clarke rushes over and puts the back of her hand to my forehead. "How do you feel? Are you in any pain?"

I laugh awkwardly. "Woah woah chill out I was just tired, that's all."

Clarke backs up and gives me a look. "You didn't know, did you?"

"Know what?" I ask, even more confused.

"The blade had poison on it." Octavia speaks up from over near the grounder.

I glance at the grounder who has his eyes glued on Octavia. "Huh. How'd I survive then?"

Clarke looks over her shoulder at Octavia then back at me. "Octavia convinced the grounder to tell us the antidote."

I smile and walk up to Octavia to pat her on the back. "I guess I owe you then huh?" I smile brightly as she continues to clean the grounders' wounds. I turn around to see that Clarke has left and Drew is sleeping in the corner. I look at the grounder and see the blood and bruises littering his body. "Shit." I whisper.

Octavia sighs. "You should go."

"Octavia what do you mean-"

"Go away y/n." Octavia doesn't make eye contact with me at all.

I step back and make my way to the ladder. I stop before my head can reach the first floor. "Come talk to me when you are ready." I say then finish descending the ladder.

Fly on the Wall: Bellamy Blake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now