2⋆˚₊•BOUND BY DUTY•₊˚⋆

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Days had turned into weeks since the awkward dinner, and Boun tried to keep himself busy with work, avoiding the looming reality of his engagement. Despite his best efforts, his parents' constant reminders and the pressure to conform to their expectations weighed heavily on him.

One evening, as he sat in his office going through yet another late-night meeting, his phone buzzed with a message from his mother.

Mother: Don't forget the wedding planner is coming over tomorrow evening.

Boun groaned. He had completely forgotten about the appointment. There was no escaping it now. With a sigh, he packed up his things and headed home, trying to mentally prepare for another round of discussions about a wedding he didn't want.


Prem was having a hard time focusing on his work. The thought of the impending wedding loomed over him like a dark cloud. Despite his attempts to stay optimistic, the reality of the situation was sinking in deeper with each passing day.

After receiving a text from his mother reminding him about the wedding planner's visit, he decided to take a walk to clear his head. The city was bustling, the evening air filled with the sounds of cars and chatter. As he wandered through the streets, he couldn't help but think about Boun and their last conversation. The limits they had set felt necessary, but they also felt like a wall he wasn't sure they could ever tear down.


The next evening, Boun and Prem found themselves sitting across from a cheerful wedding planner named Lisa, who was enthusiastically showing them various themes and decorations for their big day.

Lisa's enthusiasm was palpable, but Boun and Prem exchanged weary glances. They both knew this was more about their parents' dreams than their own.

"So, what kind of theme are you two envisioning?" Lisa asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Boun shrugged. "Whatever our parents want. This whole thing is for them anyway."

Prem nodded in agreement, though a part of him felt a twinge of disappointment. "Yeah, we're not too picky. Just something elegant and... not too extravagant."

Lisa's smile faltered for a moment, sensing the tension. "Okay, we'll keep it simple yet classy. How about the venue? Do you have any preferences?"

Before Boun could answer, his phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from his best friend, Tom.

Tom: Dude, you need to get out of there. Let's grab a drink.

Boun couldn't help but smile. Tom always knew how to lighten the mood. He looked at Prem, who seemed lost in thought.

"How about you handle the venue discussion?" Boun suggested, standing up. "I need to take this call."

Prem nodded, watching Boun leave the room. He sighed, feeling a mix of relief and frustration.


Boun met Tom at their favorite bar, eager for a break from the wedding chaos. As they sat down with their drinks, Tom gave him a concerned look.

"What's going on, Boun? You look like you've been through a war."

Boun laughed bitterly. "Feels like it. This whole wedding thing is a mess. I'm marrying someone I don't even like."

Tom raised an eyebrow. "You don't like him at all? Not even a little?"

Boun shook his head. "He's cold, distant, and we have nothing in common. We're just doing this because our parents want it."

Tom sipped his drink thoughtfully. "Maybe you should try to get to know him better. Who knows, you might find something you like."

Boun sighed. "I don't know, man. It feels hopeless."


Meanwhile, Prem was left alone with Lisa, who continued to show him various venues and ideas. His mind, however, kept drifting back to his walk the previous night and his conversation with Boun about their limits.

"Prem?" Lisa's voice brought him back to the present. "Are you okay with this venue?"

Prem looked at the photos she was showing him. They all looked the same to him-grand and impersonal. "Sure, it looks fine," he replied absently.

Lisa closed her notebook, sensing his disinterest. "If there's anything you really want, Prem, you should speak up. This is your wedding too."

Prem smiled weakly. "Thanks, Lisa. I appreciate it. I just... I'm still wrapping my head around all of this."


The next few weeks were a blur of preparations, meetings, and planning sessions. Boun and Prem found themselves thrown together more often than they liked, each encounter highlighting their differences and the awkwardness between them.

Yet, amidst the chaos, small moments of understanding began to emerge. A shared joke here, a rare moment of agreement there. It wasn't much, but it was something.

As the wedding day approached, both men couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. They were standing at the edge of a new chapter, unsure of what lay ahead but bound by the commitments they had made.


⋆˚₊•Marriage Of Convenience•₊˚⋆{Bounprem}Where stories live. Discover now