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The drive home was a quiet one, and by the time we pulled into the apartment complex, I could feel the weight of it pressing down on me. Prem hadn’t said a word the entire ride, his face turned toward the window, lost in his thoughts. I parked the car, and even as we got out and walked toward the entrance, the silence between us stretched, heavy and uncomfortable.

I kept glancing at him, wondering if I had done something wrong. Maybe he was just tired from the day. Maybe it was nothing. Still, when he practically rushed to his room the moment we got inside, I stood by the door, my hand lingering on the handle. Something was definitely off.

I closed the door behind me with a sigh, shrugging off the uneasy feeling. “He’s probably just tired,” I muttered to myself, walking to my room to set down my things. After a few moments, I made my way to the living room, sinking into the couch. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, mindlessly scrolling through the notifications. Messages popped up, a few updates here and there, but nothing too interesting.

At least, until she messaged.

Alyssa’s text appeared on my screen, and I couldn’t help but smile, a quiet chuckle escaping my lips. Her silly comment about a memory we shared had me grinning like an idiot. I wasn’t thinking about anything other than the good times we’d had when we were kids. As I read through our messages, my chest felt light, and the stress of the day melted away for just a moment.


I had changed into some fresh clothes, hoping to shake off the day. My body was exhausted, but my mind… it wouldn’t settle. I walked out of my room, headed to the kitchen. The smell of chocolate and strawberries calmed me a little as I dipped one into the melted chocolate and bit down, the sweetness a welcome distraction. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through random videos, trying to focus on anything but the weird atmosphere between me and Boun.

But then, I heard it.

A soft laugh, almost like a giggle. I looked up from my phone, my eyes landing on Boun. He was sitting on the couch, smiling brightly at his phone, completely unaware of anything else around him. It wasn’t just a normal smile—it was one of those rare, unguarded ones. The kind that used to make my heart race. But this time, it just made something in my chest tighten uncomfortably.

I tried to ignore it, biting down on another strawberry and focusing on my videos. But the sound of his laugh lingered in my ears, and my curiosity burned in the back of my mind. What could make him so happy right now? And why didn’t I know?

Before I could stop myself, I glanced at him again. That’s when he suddenly gasped, jumping up from the couch with a small, surprised sound. He looked almost flustered as he quickly walked toward his room and shut the door behind him. The abruptness of it caught me off guard, and I froze in my seat, unsure of what had just happened.

What was that about?

I wanted to shake it off, to just ignore it and let it go, but something about it felt off. I got up from my chair and found myself walking toward his room, my feet moving almost on their own. When I reached his door, I hesitated for a second before pressing my ear against it. The soft sound of the shower running came through, making my stomach knot with confusion.

Was that why he’d rushed off? Just to take a shower? It seemed… strange.

Shaking my head, I turned away from the door and went back to the kitchen, but this time, I couldn’t focus. I didn’t even bother looking at my phone. Instead, I stared at the wall, picking at my fingers, my thoughts swirling around in circles. Something was wrong. I could feel it, but I couldn’t place what it was.

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