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I woke with a pounding headache, blinking my eyes open to the harsh reality of daylight filtering through the curtains. As I shifted, I became acutely aware of the warmth beside me and the absence of clothing on both Prem and me. Panic surged through me as fragmented memories of the night before flooded my mind.

"Prem," I muttered hoarsely, gently shaking him awake.

Prem stirred slowly, his eyes fluttering open. "Hmm?" he mumbled, confusion evident in his expression until realization dawned, and he tensed.

"What the hell happened last night?" I demanded, my tone accusatory.

Prem sat up, rubbing his temples. "You were drunk, Boun. You kept insisting..." he began, but I cut him off with a glare.

"Don't you dare put this on me! You took advantage of me!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the room.

Prem recoiled, hurt flashing across his face. "I didn't take advantage, Boun. You wanted this," he insisted, his voice rising in defense.

I scoffed, bitterness lacing my words. "You're disgusting, Prem. Taking advantage of me when I couldn't even think straight," I spat, pushing myself out of bed and searching for my clothes.

Prem's jaw clenched, hurt morphing into anger. "It's your fault for getting drunk in the first place! Don't blame me for your choices," he shot back, standing to face me.

The tension crackled between us, thick with unresolved emotions and accusations. I dressed hastily, my movements sharp with frustration. "You're just as stupid as you are reckless," I muttered under my breath, throwing a glare at Prem.

Prem's fists clenched at his sides. "And you're a hypocrite, Boun. Blaming everyone else for your mistakes," he retorted, his voice trembling with restrained emotion.

We dressed in stony silence, each word spoken feeling like another blow to our fractured relationship. As I grabbed my belongings, my anger spiked again when I noticed something broken on the floor.

"You've done it again, haven't you? Broken something else," I accused, pointing at the shattered object.

Prem's eyes narrowed, hurt flashing across his face once more. "I didn't mean to," he muttered defensively.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "You never mean to, do you? Always the victim," I sneered, my frustration boiling over.

In a moment of heated emotion, my hand swung out, striking Prem across the face with a sharp crack. Shock silenced us both as he touched his stinging cheek, eyes wide with hurt and disbelief.

"I think it's best we leave this honeymoon early," Prem said quietly, his voice trembling. "The workers can pack our things. We can go separately."

My chest tightened at Prem's defeated tone, a pang of guilt mixing with my anger. "Fine," I bit out, my voice clipped.



I left the villa grounds feeling lost and vulnerable, each step away from Boun and our shattered relationship heavy with regret and sorrow. As I walked, consumed by my thoughts, I inadvertently bumped into a stranger, nearly stumbling in my emotional haze.

"Oh, sorry," I murmured automatically, glancing up to see a young man looking at me with concern.

The stranger, Ohm, noticed my tear-streaked face and hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked gently, his voice filled with empathy.

I shook my head slightly, a bitter smile tugging at my lips. "Not really," I admitted quietly, feeling a strange urge to confide in this sympathetic stranger.

"I'm Ohm," the young man introduced himself with a reassuring smile. "I couldn't help but notice... you seem like you could use a friend. Where are you headed?" he asked kindly.

I hesitated, unsure whether to share, but something about Ohm's presence felt comforting. "I... I don't know," I confessed, my voice wavering. "Just away from here, I guess."

Ohm nodded understandingly. "I understand. I'm heading towards town. How about I give you a lift? We can figure things out along the way," he suggested gently, offering me a supportive gesture.

My eyes flickered with gratitude. "Thank you, Ohm," I murmured, feeling a glimmer of hope in Ohm's offer of kindness.


I watched from a distance, my jaw clenched with frustration as I saw Prem and Ohm interact. Anger simmered within me, seeing Prem with a stranger, unaware of our connection.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered to myself, feeling a surge of possessiveness and confusion.

I approached Ohm and Prem, my steps purposeful but heavy with conflicting emotions. "Ohm," I called out tersely, my voice cutting through the air.

Ohm turned, surprise flickering across his features as he saw me approaching. "Hey, Boun," he greeted cautiously, sensing the tension radiating from me.

My gaze flickered between Ohm and Prem, my voice laced with confusion. "What's happening here?" I demanded, my eyes locking onto Ohm's.

Ohm hesitated, searching for the right words. "Prem and I just met," he explained carefully. "He seemed upset, and since I'm headed to town too, I offered him a ride," Ohm clarified, his tone gentle yet firm.

My jaw tensed, frustration and hurt bubbling within me. "Why are you taking him with us?" I asked sharply, my voice tinged with bitterness.

Ohm glanced between me and Prem, sensing the tension. "Because he needs it," Ohm replied honestly. "Sometimes a fresh start or a change of scenery can help," he added, his gaze softening as he looked at Prem.

Prem shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of my gaze upon him. "Boun, I..." he started, but I cut him off with a dismissive wave of my hand.


Hey yall sorry for not updating the last few days!!Well just bear with me i was stuck on what to do😭I hope yall like it though!!💗(its shit i know😭)

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