- Wings Of Salvation, His Grace -

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Warning: None

A/N: Part two of Wings of Salvation. Reread the first one in the other Optimus x Reader book, it will catch you up on this one. 

Plot: After weeks of being in Jasper, (Y/n) is frustrated that she can't pinpoint what makes her stay. While walking down Jasper's road, she bumps into a teen, Miko, who takes her to a diner. She grows a small connection to the teen before meeting the allure that had kept her in Jasper . . .


It had been three long weeks since I came to Jasper, and I had yet to leave. Whatever this place was, I was entranced by it. Only a few places I have gone to have been as alluring as this one. Not even the high mountains of Everest that pull me to the sky limits. My eyes strained from the long hours on the computer. Searching for whatever it was that allured me about Jasper. 

I still didn't know despite the intensive research put into the damned little town. When was this unknown pull going to show itself? Something caught my eye, an image while flipping through some of the articles about Jasper. Though it looked insignificant to others, something looked off to me. Clicking on the picture, I looked it over. A semi placed in a place not most likely of place. I had to look over the image twice before really making an assessment. The semi was on top of a rock formation. Not where there was a standard road but off to the distance. 

I even went through Google Maps to ensure that nothing showed a road near the area. So, how did a semi get there? It could have been photoshopped, but the image looked too good to be photoshopped. My mind wandered to many possibilities, one of which was the most unlikely: that it was placed there as a prop. Humans were too lazy to even make it up there unless paid. So, why was there a semi-seated perfectly in an imperfect spot? 

The timer chimed loudly, and suddenly, the computer shuts off. I had run out of time. Letting out a loud sigh, I momentarily rested against the seat, glaring at the ceiling. Why did the semi get my attention? What was so interesting about a truck? It could be the custom colors of red and blue or how the image was set up, but something like that wouldn't make me waste such precious time looking into it. Right? 

The shopkeeper looked over, and seeing my time was up, I knew he was ready to kick me out. Before he could start screaming at me to get off my lazy ass, I was already out the door. The door shut with a loud chime, and I stood out in front of the shop. Jasper is a small, isolated city with little to no recognition. Yet, I was looking for something, making me run around in circles. I wouldn't be if I knew why I was here.

A few days ago, I left the apartment where I was staying. The weird-ass rat man had been looking at me more when I lounged around. Seeing I was stronger, I didn't want to escalate the situation, so I left. But now I had nowhere to stay. Walking down the street, I passed a few shops, glaring at the ground and trying to remain hidden from public eyes. It was challenging with white hair and red eyes. I looked more albino than anything, so my eyes naturally drew to me. The simple "I am sorry for your condition." or the "Do you need anything dear? I would love to help you." had long gotten old. People needed to learn to mind their business. 

As I was stuck in my head, remembering the old ladies and men who had lent me a hand, I bumped into something- or someone. My eyes snapped up as I felt a shove to my side, and I was pushed forward. A loud thud and hiss left me a bit shocked. I look behind me to find . . . A emo? More specifically, an emo girl. She looked to be one from how she died a bit of her hair pink, her hair done more eccentrically. The white-haired one says Spiky rather than flowy, like the typical teen girl.

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