- His Grace, Entrancing Eyes -

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Warning: None

A/N: Part three of - Wings of Salvation -. I advise that if you not have read part one or two that you read them first. Part one is in book one (Completed) meanwhile the second one is just before this one. There is cussing as well.

Plot: After meeting a stranger man, (Y/n) leaves abruptly to calm herself. After taking a few moments to relax, she bumps into the same man. The two began to speak and she finds out this man was named Orion Pax. Though she has a hard time trusting, she agrees to meet up with him. . .


Those eyes bore into mine, sending shivers down my eyes. I swallow from that intense gaze. All my life, I have been taught and shown the sides of many things, from the most beautiful to the downright devil spawn that walked this planet. But this was new. He wasn't glaring like others do. Some in astonishment, others in disgust or anger. No, it felt odd. Like he had a revelation just by looking at me. Looking away, I felt my nervousness peak. What was that? 

Miko was already looking at me with confusion, her hand hovering over my mind. That soft gesture was meant to help ease someone's anxiety, but it only made me uneasy. 

"Are you okay? You seem distressed?" Did I? I was so used to just looking blank or busy that the mention of having any other expression was surprising. What had made me so nervous? Maybe it was because of all the eyes on me or how the diner was buzzing to life the longer I stayed. Yeah, it was that. I get up abruptly, slipping my hand away as I nod.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I got to go. Sorry." I head for the door, thankfully having gotten nothing. Miko stands up, wanting to chase after me, but Bulk stops her and looks my way with concern. 

I walk out, trying to ignore the man leaning on the semi. If I had looked at him again, I was sure I wouldn't have been able to leave. He might try to talk to me or even touch me. The thought disgusted me quite quickly. I walked quickly down the opposite way from him, hoping to get away before he could catch up. Wait-catch up? Why would he be following? He didn't have a reason to! 

I realized I was panicking, and with me holding my breath in my throat, it was making it worse. My assumptions that a stranger would follow or talk to me were all fake realities. Stopping in front of a storefront just around the corner from the diner, I get my breath and try to ease my mind by letting the wind hit my face. It was hot, which wasn't great, but it was better than nothing, snapping me back to reality rather than in my head.

That was so dumb of me. Why did I react so much from a damn glance from the man!? It wasn't like he had touched me in any way or even spoken to me. It was just a look! Every man looked at me, and I never had that reaction before. I needed some time to think. To relax before I went crazy. Maybe the sleepless hours were getting to me, or the heat. Whatever it was, it wasn't good to keep up.  

Looking back, I thought I was safe till I ran into someone. My head snaps back as I step back, eyes widening. Another person!? This whole bumping business was getting old fast. But, to my unlucky surprise, it wasn't just anyone. It was him. My breath hitches, and I stare at him. My heart beat quickly again. He seemed unfazed at the fact I had just bumped into him; his hand had moved up to hold my lower back from falling, but that was it. Wait-was it still there? 

His fingers gently wrapped around my back, molding it into place. Was he just planning on keeping them there? We stared, seemingly daring one another to speak first. My anxiety about the situation caused me to step back again, letting his hand slip away from me. That seemed to snap him out of his trance as he blinked at me in surprise. 

"Apologies, I seemed to be staring. I did not intend to make you uncomfortable." Even his tone was daunting. Deep and gravelly, those intense eyes glared down into mine. My hand rubbed my neck nervously as I looked up at him.

"You're good. Thanks for keeping me from falling. I should have been looking." Why was I apologizing? Usually, I just look away and get on my way. I didn't like to waste time on a person I wouldn't see again in this lifetime. But, this seemed different. Especially with how he was making my heart beat so fast that I was sure I was going crazy.

Again, he stares at me. That same gaze at the diner. Glaring into my eyes as if they were the most out-of-place thing here. I couldn't help but mimic his actions as his eyes seemed almost electric. Studying his figure, I finally got to see more of him. Sharp jawline, half goatee style, swiped back blue hair, and a broad build. Not as big as what was his name again? Yeah, Bulk's build. Just enough to show off his toned body. 

"So. . . .Sorry again, but I think I should be going." Just as I turned, his hand reached out and grasped mine. An electric shock went through me, making me gasp and pull away. I hold my wrist as I look at him with wide eyes. What the hell!? He seemed just as surprised as me as he looked at his hand and then at me. What just happened? Clearing his throat, he holds his hand out, hovering in the air.

"Wait. I am sorry for my rudeness. I am Orion, Orion Pax. I heard you are new, and I was intending to meet you under better circumstances." Orion Pax? It's an odd but handsome name. Letting my hand fall to my sides, I look at him. Should I give him the benefit of the doubt? Nothing told me he was bad other than how he made me more nervous. I nod and extend my hand to him, suddenly wanting to be more polite.

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." With a bit of hesitation, his hand met mine. Grasping onto mine, he shook it with a firm yet gentle gesture. The same electric shock went through me, but it was not as strong as before. Pulling away, I let my hand fall and turn into a small fist at my side. The phantom feeling of his hand in mine is still there.

"Pleasure to meet you. I know this is rather odd, as we just met. Would you be willing to meet at the diner again tomorrow?" Tomorrow. Considering that I wasn't the busiest bee in the world, I agree with a nod.


Word Count: 1,285

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