⟩ 16

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The ride felt long. Longer than it should've been for a mere 10 minute drive from the bungalows to the middle of nowhere behind the park. Through the mass amount of look-alike trees, Grady couldn't pinpoint where Claire was hauling him to. Best guess was an underground bunker filled with scientists and funky looking dinosaurs they've never seen before. 

A chill ran down his spine. The thought was absurd and far-fetched. What was even more far-fetched was how absurd it would be if they actually were keeping things to themselves. Keeping dinosaur DNA for a future use on something more dangerous than they've already created. 

He worried about her. Where had Claire sent Stone? 

When the car stops, Owen observes the massive fortress look-alike. The walls high enough to keep anyone, or anything, out. Metal poles bounded deep into the ground to keep the walls structurally secure. So he hoped. Mechanical machinery and a few other parked cars sat alongside the barrier. The crew currently on break.

Claire got out of the car, soon followed by Grady. It was silent. Deadly. 

Fitted in the usual tight skirt and business jacket, Claire led the hunk of a man up the staircase to the top room. Owen suspected that's where they kept windows to the inside of the enclosure. Her heels tapped against the metal floorings while she spoke.

''We've been pre-booking tickets for months. The park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Kinda like the space program.''

Owen didn't know whether that was from a personal experience or not. He inspected the walls again, uneasy about being so close. So vulnerable. So vulnerable to lose her.. where was she? 

Not noting Grady's apparent silence, Claire continued with whatever topic she was going on about in the first place. ''Corporate felt genetic modification would up the "wow" factor.''

For a secretary, Claire seemed more invigorated with the park than Masrani did. Oftentimes, Grady had seen Masrani acting childish. Although Grady wished he would be more considerate of what his park actually holds and bestows as 'attractions', it's a bit settling to know that he's got teams of trained officers at the ready. 

As if that'll help anything. 

Not amused by her words of heavy marketing, Owen chimes in. ''They're dinosaurs. "Wow" enough.''

She smirks, soon reaching the top of the stairs. ''Not according to our focus groups. The Indominus rex makes us relevant again.''

The name was weird; strange, silly even. Owen chortled, fingers curling around the metal bar used as a railing for the stairs. ''The "Indominus Rex"?''

''We needed something scary and easy to pronounce.'' Claire was quick to explain. Eyeing Grady from a higher step on the stairs. ''You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus".''

Without heeding a further word or argument from Grady, she turns and enters the room they've finally arrived to. Owen continues to stand outside, frowning to himself while eyeing the now open door to the command center for the paddock. He jabs his finger into the metal rail, muttering a mock of Claire under his breath. 

''You should hear you try to say it.'' It was childish, yes. But in his mind he could see [Y/n] standing there with him, laughing at his taunt. A silent, yet skillful way to bring down Claire's ego. He couldn't wait to return back to the bungalow... her bungalow. Was she already back? Is she waiting for him?

𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘀. owen gradyWhere stories live. Discover now