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Hey Lovelieesss

Happy Reading


You can't conquer harsh reality,

By running away from it.

~ Meera 

After two days

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After two days......

"You know I can't lie. She's also there and you're too. Can't you just go, I'm not saying you as your PA but as your pitiful another brother from other mother. Please, just go or these ladies will chopped me off." A male voice almost cried out in panic over the phone call

"Fine! Then don't blame me later." Came a scoff with it

The next second, the call ended the person sighed and turned back with a pitiful look. "Enough! I'm deaf now. I can't do more than this." The person hmph and stomped away

Ceredigion, Wales....

The weather is quite good it's neither too hot nor cold. There was clouds in the sky with slightest dark shades including in the sky with a shining sun

The light and soft breezes of the early autumn months are giving soothing touch to the body making anyone's mood better

The simple, cosy set up of the outdoor cafe is also eye catching with beautiful stands where small designed pots are kept over them the flowers grown, the small mini bulbs twinkling over the head is giving a awesome finishing

But someone's specifics mood is too sour to notice the beauty of nature and surrounding.

Coming out of the car, he silently walk towards a table and seat there before saying in his deep husky voice, greeting the person seating on the chair, waiting for her

"Hello, Ms. Oberoi!" The girl look up and smile sweetly she's bestowed for some reasons seeing his sharp and finest features

With black eyes, pale skin tone and alluring features the girl is beautiful in herself as she smile almost a seductive smile looking at Krish

"Hello! Kamini Oberoi." The girl smiled at him

"Last time, you really make a fool out of me, you didn't said me that you aren't Krish Bedi but actually Krish Raj Mahajan."

Krish look slightly stunned with her words. Last time??? Did he meet her but when??

And why the hell his father choose her for the blind date?!! And said his full name?! Ugh!!!

"Last time?? I don't remember, did we met, earlier?" He tried not to frown

Kamini get stunned a little but next second she smile and shook her head and thought "Playing hard to get!"

FOREVER: 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now