04. ~ Puzzled Life

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Hey Lovelieesss

Happy Reading


Every piece of the puzzle

That doesn't Fits

Get you, Closer to the Answer.

~ Akansha

Akansha's POV

Why??? Why it's happen with me???

Why I don't get to know about everything at a right time. My only family hide things from me.

It always feels like there's something more which meets the eye


What's there which is disturbing Raj Uncle?? Everything was okay till evening but suddenly he tensed up. Why??? What's the reason???

It's more than one week and I'm pretty sure that the problem isn't solved yet. I know that!

I've to know the depths of the matter. This time I won't let it go. Never!

I get sure about it yesterday night when I heard their talks but I don't understand why they're talking about MIG

~ Flashback~

~Yesterday night, at study~

"Do you know, what a big ruckus you brought up by your neglegence??? When one gave you some responsibilities then you should complete it with utmost care." Dad barked as I flinch on it

What happened??? At whom he's shouting like this??? He sounded so angry....

"This will create so much trouble for the company and Her. What's the reason of sudden choas?" Raj Uncle lashed too

"Mrs. Kalyani saying that someone said her that the designs are get copied by MIG. When I went asking further she said that she believes our work ethics and capabilities so she didn't believe it but if we didn't handled the choas then she'll definitely announce it too." One female voice said

MIG??? What's relation with MIG???

"So what you all planned?? Let it flow like that. You know right, which troubles it'll bring on your way!?" Dad said

"It's not only their fault. I also didn't see it coming. It's sudden but when it already occurs then, I'll handle it. MIG won't losse their ground a single inch and about stock value it'll increase soon."


MIG?? A Infrastructure Company??? Is she related with it??? How???! When???

"How you'll do that???" Dad asked

"I can't say but yaa! I'll do something surely." She muttered

"Fine! You've a week's time. Do anything and everything. If you can't then I'll handle those matters and the company too." Raj Uncle said and he sounded so dead serious

How the hell Ishu, stands Raj Uncle's fury. He's totally changed person at those moments.

~Flashback ends~

I stopped at side with my bicycle and came out of my thoughts when I heard a honk of car

I sighed and thought to went back home. If they won't share it with me then I'll have ways to know

FOREVER: 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now