15. English

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English is the second language in the Philippines. It has been taught to us since elementary school. The problem is I have forgotten every important lesson that has been taught to me. I am insecure about this thing, but there's always a reason for this. Hopefully, you can relate to me. It's just that we have so much going on in our lives (scrolling so much on the phone") and that our interests change now and then that we move up a grade. Now that I think about it, maybe it's normal. (To change... of course,) (not the scrolling.)

The reason is "if we don't use it, we'll lose it." Maybe I am just jealous of my classmate who remembered the 8 parts of speech. I'd like to recall it now as well, though, without looking through the Internet. Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. That is eight! Hopefully those 8 we're right. I'll check through the Internet now. 

What the...!!! I am underestimating myself. Well, grammatically, that's where I have a problem for sure. I am not going to grammar-check this one to AI to see.

The next thought is about what I have written since yesterday until now.

Yeah, but before I publish this, the real problem in my English comes up.

 "I have memorized it, but I don't know the meaning of it."

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