18. Friends 2

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I don't actually want to end the friendship on a sad note. I'm happy with what I have right now. At least they are the ones with quality. I can't express it properly, but it's nice being able to chat with them once in a while.

I have this one girl who was my classmate in grades 7 and 8 that I was able to chat with recently. We discussed the perspective of STEM students towards the ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) strand, and vice versa. First of all, we asserted that STEM is hard and strict. That's a common notion, I believe. Besides, we don't want to go back to science and math with a lot of computation and the like. We're traumatized by that grade 7-10 science and math, to be honest. Luckily, in ABM, it's just basic math - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. And yes, more emphasis on analysis, which is actually the best part.

I've also talked to another childhood friend who has now moved back to our subdivision and will continue his college studies here. I'm glad that he's back. But a lot of things have changed, you know. I feel like we can't just approach each other like we used to before. I mean, that's how life is - we act human. We're scared of the unknown. But we really just have to face it. As Seneca said, "Those who suffer before it is necessary, suffer more than is necessary." I just have to engage with him; there's no other way.

To end this part, to those people who considered me as their friend, thank you very much. Hopefully, you can read this one day.

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