23. Stoicism

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The essence of Stoicism, as I understand it, is about managing what's in your control and leaving all that isn't in your control. Additionally, it involves being kind to others but strict with yourself, being disciplined, removing biases and judgments toward others, and living with the thoughts of God and your mortality.

Reminding ourselves about our mortality and our weak relationship with God is a common problem we face in the world, or at least it is for me. These two aspects are important so that we can live with inner peace. This is to realize that what we have today will only last as long as we are living, and we must use the present as much as we can. Reminding ourselves that having tomorrow is not certain, and we must act as if this is the last day of our life.

One of the lessons I've learned in Stoicism is to not regret what you've done wrong, but to treat it as experience. Taking care of your own mortal body, despite it not being in your full control, is also a must.

I plan to publish a work about this, but to end it for now: All that we can control is our own mind, and it can control us too, but don't let it. You control yourself and what will happen in the future through your actions.

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