24. Addiction

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Not about writing.

"Teenage cell phone addiction is a significant problem that disrupts family time, social time, and study time. Teens spend an average of 7 hours per day on their phones, with a significant portion of that time devoted to social media apps. This addiction is driven by the dopamine reward system in the teenage brain, which responds to social media likes and interactions.

The signs of teenage cell phone addiction include an inability to have face-to-face conversations, constant scrolling and clicking on the phone, anxiety, and depression when the phone is taken away, and declining academic performance. Excess phone and social media use can lead to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and feelings of loneliness.

To address teenage cell phone addiction, parents can set limits on phone usage, create screen-free periods, tie phone privileges to academic performance, and encourage outdoor activities and real-world social interactions. It's important for parents to have open communication with their teens and work together to find a healthy balance with technology." BNI Treatment Center (2023)

This is a topic I don't even want to talk about. 

Is it just me, or is there something wrong with that? That question is exactly why there is something wrong with me. I foolishly believe that I should be averaging 7 hours a day on my phone. Sure, I am the valedictorian at my senior high school, but I feel like there is more I can do. I feel like I have wasted a lot of time and could even be better. My laptop and phone are a big help in my studies, but the fact that the negative impact lasts longer than the positive means I may be experiencing something. It could be depression. The problem is that when I talk about it, I never take action to ensure I won't do it again. You know what, while writing this, I remembered what I said in one of my thought writings: Forgive yourself and keep moving. This is interesting, I just found another benefit of writing.

However, in Stoicism, one must be strict with oneself. Well, now I'm confused. To be honest, uncertainty and being overwhelmed by a lot of interests are the reasons I'm thinking this way right now. Having more time outside and not on the screen will really help. Balancing the time I spend here will also help. It's time to reapply all the things I've learned since 2021. A daily routine is a must. A plan is a must. Remove most of the distractions. It's hard at first, just like writing. But as my first follower here said, it will pay off tenfold. I won't let my past damage and dictate who I am today. It is an experience, as I said here too. Live in the present now, and again, forgive yourself.

This is also a great and frustrating feat. I look and feel fine in real life, but a lot was happening inside. I know I am not the only one who experiences this. But this is actually great.

In conclusion, the phone has damaged me, but I respect how much it has also helped me. The progress is slow, which is why I experience all of this. But as long as there is progress, then that is a success. If you believe you're addicted, then you are addicted. Change your belief, and so your action. Do not underestimate yourself, number guy. :)

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