22. Disadvantages

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Writing a book can be time-consuming and quite difficult. You may suffer from procrastination, feel insecure, your friends can make fun of you, you'll have to deal with a lot of nonsense on social media, and it may not be feasible for everyone.

Those are some funny but true points. It is time-consuming, but at least better than scrolling mindlessly. It is difficult, but it will get easier as long as you stay consistent in your writing. Procrastination is inevitable - we are only human and will feel more tired from time to time. Opinions from friends and social media aren't in your control. Let them speak; you control how you respond to them. Lastly, feasibility isn't a problem for now.

Well, these are my thoughts, and I don't want you to have the same perspective at this moment. That would be crazy. Creating a novel, which I forgot the definition of (probably a long story, not a short one), requires characters, plot, settings, climax, and more. My thoughts don't need all of that. That's why I am free to say whatever I want on the Internet right now. It is very different from real life, where these writings would come out of my mouth.

All of these thoughts I have right now are from my brain being transferred to my hand and typed out so fast. This is the reason why I will likely forget most of the disadvantages of writing. Just write.

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