Getting-to-know-each-other session

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TW: Mentions of murder and rape and sexual jokes. A beetle is also stabbed. RIP.

I woke up because something was shaking my shoulder quite forcefully. But why? I was in a bed, everything was warm and soft and smelled like a strange mix of blood, sulfur, curry and something sweet that reminded me of strawberries and I felt hot breath on my face and- Wait what?!

I opened my eyes only to let out a strangled squeak as I looked directly into Alastor's impossibly close face. I quickly backed away, face bright red, as Alastor straightened up and smoothed down the red coat he was wearing, which looked exactly like the one he had given me yesterday.

Oh, that's right, yesterday. I was dead, in hell, in a hotel, and currently in the room of a grinning psychopath who had apparently just woken me up.

"Good morning, my dear! I didn't want to scare you, but you slept terribly soundly and we don't want to miss the getting to know each other of the princess!" he was in far too good a mood for me.

"Morning." I said in a hoarse voice and cleared my throat briefly: "What time is it?" "It's 9:00 a.m. sharp, we'll meet in the entrance hall at 10:00."

His smile widened as I sat up, rubbing my eyes sleepily. "You didn't come for breakfast, so I brought you something." He said and placed a large tray on the bed with a cup of coffee, a glass of juice and a large plate laden with pancakes and fruit.

I was about to throw my arms around his neck when I remembered how he had reacted to Angel's touch. So I left it, put my hands in my lap and thanked him instead: "Thank you so much, you have no idea how hungry I am.".

He patted my arm and since he made no move to leave or talk to me, I took the small jug that was also on the tray and generously poured maple syrup over the pancakes. I took a sip from the glass and grimaced; Orange juice. I decided not to make a drama and drank the glass in one gulp.

After coffee I finally wasn't so tired anymore and hungrily went for the pancakes. Alastor looked very pleased with himself as he watched me wolf down the food. He probably got up early to make pancakes.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked with my mouth full, to which he gave me a disapproving look. "Chew before speaking! I don't need much sleep and I've had more than enough of it lately.". I choked up, so he really had been sitting here all night watching over me. Kinda... nice.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know-" what didn't I know? That there was only one bed in this room? "You... You could have just given me a blanket, then I would have slept on the sofa, that honestly wouldn't have been a problem for me!"

"Nonsense, darling, you were exhausted and besides, you're a guest here. What kind of gentleman would I be if I let a young lady sleep on the sofa." he waved. "I have to feel honored, most others would have left if they had seen the swamp. What am I saying, no one would have gone into a lockable room with me alone. I am impressed by your courage, young lady. "

I blushed: "Young lady? You don't look much older than me yourself." he laughed, "We may have died around the same age, but I've been here in hell for a long time." "When did you die?" I asked curiously.

He looked at me skeptically, as if weighing whether I was worthy of an answer, before replying: "1933.". That was really a while ago. Suddenly a shadow grew out of the ground next to Alastor, whispered something in his ear and disappeared again.

"My dear, as refreshing as I find it to talk to you, the others are just waking up one by one and we didn't want to keep them waiting." I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom: "Right, I'll be ready soon!".

As I closed the door behind me, I realized my mistake, but before I could open it again, I noticed the pile of fresh clothes lying on the edge of the bathtub. At least someone had thought of it.

The dark side of the pentagram OC x Alastor (English ver.)Where stories live. Discover now