Alastor's bayou

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TW: Small injuries, insults

Luckily, when I stepped out of Alastor's bathroom with a towel wrapped around my wet hair, I was still alone in the room. I still had time, we wouldn't be meeting for another two hours, so I sat on the bed and randomly pulled a book from the shelf.

'Cooking and baking with offal' oh god no thanks. Another one was called 'The Horrible Murder of Amber Green' and it didn't sound that bad. I snuggled up in the red blanket and grinned at the smell; Alastor, the big bad radio demon, used strawberry shampoo.

I hadn't expected him to pay so much attention to his hair, but in fact the bathroom cabinet was overflowing with various soaps, conditioners and hair masks, which I had generously used.

After a while reading became boring, in fact the book mostly consisted of very extensive descriptions of the landscape of New Orleans and I really had nothing to do with that.

More and more often my eyes wandered to the misty bayou on the other side of the room and with every minute that passed I became more curious. Should I? I pricked up my little goat ears, but there was no sound from downstairs.

Fuck it, he wasn't there, what could he do? I carefully walked to where the room and the bayou met and leaned forward as far as I could. A dark shadow darted through the misty trees and I took courage and stepped from the warm wooden floorboards onto the cold muddy earth of the swamp.

Mud was oozing between my hooves and I asked myself why I hadn't put on any shoes; I could have saved myself the shower that way. The chirping of the crickets was captivating and the misty gloom attracted me like magic.

I took a few steps and almost slipped because the ground was so slippery. I turned around, the warm glow of Alastor's room slowly being swallowed up by the fog. If I went much further, I wouldn't be able to find it again.

The thought scared me, what if there were dangerous creatures here? But I didn't want to go far away, just a little bit further.

I suddenly saw something in the fog-shrouded distance. Was that a light? I went further. Yes, I was sure there was a light out there somewhere and the deeper I went into the bayou, the brighter it became.

"Hello?" I shouted, my echo echoing off the trees several times. Somewhere in the darkness a crow flew up; I must have frightened it with my call. The icy cold of the slowly moistening ground burned under my bare hooves and I began to run faster.

The light seemed to get closer, the fog around it began to clear so much that I could almost see outlines around it - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" a booming, static-filled voice suddenly sounded from behind me.

I spun around, slipping on the slippery ground and preparing to fall face first into the muddy ground, when two gloved hands caught me in a tight grip, my wildly flailing hands finding purchase on a stiff red collar.

Heart pounding, I looked into a pair of glowing red eyes whose gaze caused my little goat ears to flatten against my head. He was angry. Fuck.

He grabbed my wrist with a painfully tight grip and snapped his fingers sharply.

With my vision blurred by the teleportation, I sat on the edge of the bed before my jelly-like legs could give way beneath me. Another flick made my hooves clean again and another made the mud marks on the ground disappear.

Just now, at this inopportune moment, I noticed again how handsome Alastor was. He had long black eyelashes, a sharp, narrow face and- oh fuck, I was still clinging to his collar.

The dark side of the pentagram OC x Alastor (English ver.)Where stories live. Discover now