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TW: Drugs, vomiting

In the kitchen, Charlie was about to throw away the soup that Angel had made while Vaggie was constantly berating him: "How did you, hijo de perra, come up with the damn idea to put your fucking powder in the soup? Just look what you did to Niffty!"

The little cyclops girl was lying in a corner, her face was even paler than usual and she was holding her stomach. "I'm not feeling so well." she said in a weak voice. Husk barely managed to push a bucket towards her before she vomited loudly.

Angel raised his four arms dismissively: "It was an accident, really! I had something up my sleeve and it must have slipped in there by mistake. I'm really sorry, Niff!" Niffty made a sort of 'it's okay' gesture from the ground. Vaggie waved her spear in the air and was about to launch into another tirade of scolding when Charlie intervened.

"Vaggie, calm down. Angel didn't do it on purpose, although I wonder why you were carrying drugs around in the first place, weren't you clean? It doesn't matter, Angel, after dinner all the drugs come from your room into my Office. We can forget about the soup, but I can make pancakes, even with fresh fruit! Don't be mad at him, Vaggie, he's still learning."

Vaggie sighed and made her spear disappear. "All right, babe. Husk, you take care of Niffty and make sure she doesn't throw up everywhere, Charlie makes the pancakes, Angel helps her and Crimson, who's hiding behind the door, and I set the table," she ordered in Soldier's voice.

I laughed tensely and stepped out from behind the door: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything. Where can I find the cutlery?"

After a while, in which everything fortunately went smoothly, we all sat at the table and helped ourselves to Charlie's delicious, just slightly burnt pancakes. But after all the excitement earlier, even Angel's soup would have seemed like ambrosia to me.

I had decided to wait until Alastor woke up and I could confront him before telling the others about my experience. But you could still get information.

"Hey Charlie? What does it actually mean when a sinner wears a chain with a glowing collar around his neck, held by another person?"

"This usually means that the two have a deal. Until the terms of the deal are met, both wear a chain like this, after it, it disappears. Unless one person sells their soul, then the chain can only be broken with mutual consent, or the death one of the contractors. Why do you ask? Did something happen?"

"Oh, nothing special, I just saw a person while shopping who was wearing a chain like that and was beaten by the other person." That was only partially a lie. Charlie grimaced in pity. "This was probably a deal about the soul. Not all contracting partners treat each other well."

Husk snorted. "Speaking of contract partner, where is the grin freak? I haven't seen his ugly face since this morning." "True,". Charlie remarked, "Where's Alastor? Crim, have you seen him? I mean, because you share a room."

"He said he would come down later, he was lying down." That was again only a partial lie. "Well, he rarely eats with us lately, I hope that gets better soon." Charlie said worriedly.

"Oh, sugar tits, don't piss yourself off. Smiles has never done much with us, and besides, the guy is a cannibal, he'll probably sit up in his room and eat any poor sinners who looked at him the wrong way. But it is Better that way, then there'll be more for me!", with these words Angel grabbed another pancake.

After clearing away, Vaggie had made Angel do the washing up because of the messed up soup and was watching over him with her angelic spear drawn. Charlie talked to Husk about more trust exercises and I went upstairs to Alastor's room to see if he had woken up yet.

I was greeted by a very awake and definitely not happy deer demon with an unreadable expression.

"Uh, good evening.", God I was stupid, I could have kicked myself. He was silent, looking me up and down without blinking. His eyes were hard and cold as pebbles. "How much did you see?" he asked. His voice sounded as hard and emotionless as his eyes were.

I swallowed, for the first time I was truly afraid of him. But I decided not to lie. "Everything," I said in a rough voice. I saw no emotion in his eyes. I almost trembled under his gaze.

"Let's make a deal," he said suddenly. "What?" I asked, surprised, breaking out in a cold sweat remembering what his contract partner had done to him. "You heard me, let's make a deal.", no 'my dear' or other salutations he had always used for me.

Suddenly he was so close in front of me that I could feel his hot breath on my face. He grabbed my wrist and I noticed again that he was quite a bit taller than me. I had to tilt my head back a bit to look into his eyes.

The desperation I saw in them almost broke my heart.

"I don't want your soul, all I want is that you never, ever speak to anyone about what you saw. Say, what do you want in return? I would give anything, do you hear me? Say what you desire.", he didn't want me to tell anyone? But then no one could help him when the shadow woman returned. My thoughts were spinning wildly, what should I do?

He seemed to misinterpret my silence because he suddenly let go of me and backed away. His eyes darted across my face in panic. "I beg you, I was never cruel to you. I saved your life, don't you remember? I let you sleep in my bed, you can't deny me this one thing. No, you can't do that. You can't do it... I beg you, name your price! Please..."

I had almost never seen him so desperate. "Alastor! It's all good, I won't tell anyone," I could help him if necessary, and I couldn't bear to see him so desperate. "I promise!" he shook his head frantically.

"No, no promises, I have to be sure, I... I'll give you something in return, just tell me what!", he didn't trust me. It hurt, but I had to admit that I probably wouldn't do anything differently in his situation.

"Okay, then... Let's make a deal. What I want in return is that you answer every question I ask you correctly, unless you are not allowed or unable to answer me. Also, you must allow that I help you."

He nodded vigorously and held out his gloved hand, which began to glow with an ominous green light. "Very well, your silence, against my truth and... acceptance of help. Wonderful. Do we have a deal?"

I nodded, placed my pale, delicate hand in his and shook it.


Yay, things are finally getting exciting. I can warn you at this point, that wasn't all and the next chapters will be a lot darker. Stay tuned!

Hijo de perra: Son of a bitch (The female dog)

All the best, your Catnip

PS: You tell me if I forget triggers or make logic errors. As always, I would be very happy to receive feedback<3

The dark side of the pentagram OC x Alastor (English ver.)Where stories live. Discover now