Meeting again

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TW: Blood, injury

'A little later' turned into three days. During this time I made terrible accusations against myself that kept me awake all night.

In fact, Alastor's long absence seemed unusual for everyone in the hotel, Charlie was worried, Angel was missing his delicious food, and Vaggie was trying to cover up her growing unease by loudly complaining about the deer demon and accusing him of having abandoned us.

Even Husk was drinking more than usual, which I discovered was his way of dealing with stress. When it was night again and I was lying in bed sleepless and listening to the nightly noises of the hotel, I suddenly heard something.

It started as a quiet scratching sound and something similar to heavy breathing, but quickly escalated into a wailing, heartbreaking whimper. I sat up and pushed the blanket away, the thin fur on my legs had stood up and I was tense to the breaking point.

Suddenly the terrible wailing sounds stopped and I sat still until I heard rustling and rumbling from somewhere, accompanied by a cough so wet and violent that my stomach turned.

A faint green glow crept under my bedroom door and illuminated the carpet. What was that? Was anyone in the hotel?

I was terrified, but it was also tinged with worry as the light faded, something hit the ground somewhere with a thud, and a high-pitched, inhuman scream of pain pierced my sensitive ear canals.

Should I go outside? There was something or someone out there that definitely needed help, but I was so scared that, like a rabbit in headlights, I sat stiff as a poker and listened.

More rumbling, soft moans and rattling breaths, this time a little further away. Suddenly the noise finally stopped and gave way to a booming silence in which all I could hear was the rushing of blood in my ears and the pounding of my violently pounding heart.

It was only after what felt like an eternity that I managed to release my cramped fingers from the sheet and move as quietly as possible on trembling legs to the door. My breathing seemed uncomfortably loud as I put my goat's ears, which were twitching with tension, on the door to see if anyone was in front of it.

Okay, it's all good. You're not in a horror movie where someone is waiting at your door to jump in your face screaming loudly. You are not. Absolutely no reason to imagine it now and shit your pants in fear.

Hey, at least I can't die again. There was something calming about the thought. I let out a shaky breath and opened the door, which creaked incredibly loudly. Maybe I was just imagining it. Christ, I missed my knife.

I stuck my head out into the hallway, squinting my eyes, and waited. Just in case something would jump out at me. When that didn't happen, I carefully placed my hooves on the soft carpet and closed the door behind me.

The hallway stretched to the left and right of my room door, moonlight shining into the hallway from the large glass window opposite my door, illuminating the floor.

What was that? The carpet looked somehow different than usual. A stripe that ran down the hallway and irregular spots were darker than the rest. I leaned down and lightly ran my hand over it. Moist.

Cold horror nestled deep within me as I held my hand up to the light. It was dark with blood that looked black in the moonlight.

Unable to even scream in panic, I stumbled backwards, hitting the door and fumbling for the handle with my clean hand. As if in some kind of trance, I locked the door behind me and rushed into the bathroom to wash my hands.

The dark side of the pentagram OC x Alastor (English ver.)Where stories live. Discover now