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TW: You can call it a suicide attempt, alcohol, blood

Hi :-) I'm not dead, I just had a stressful time. Have fun with the new chapter!

Alastor POV:

I stood stiffly as she stood on her tiptoes, her hand still on my cheek and put her lips on my skin. The gentle touch sent a jolt of electricity through my body, the black worm, that disgusting piece of malice that resided in my body, twitching and pulsating under my skin so violently that I almost lost consciousness.

No one came that close to me without intending to hurt me or for me to hurt him. She wasn't afraid of it.

Why wasn't she afraid of me? How could she stand here and kiss the shell of this unclean soul that had caused so much suffering? I would hurt her, I was dangerous! Then why did she touch me so gently, like I was worth protecting?

And why did the cold hole in my chest where my soul used to be fill with the same warmth that always flowed through me when I took on new souls? Why did the warmth drive away the worm's vicious voice that screamed at me to kill, to destroy, to eat?

Why did I snuggle into the light touch of her warm hand, as if I had been handed a glass of water when I didn't even realize I was dying of thirst? The last person who touched me like that was my mother.

The moment ended all too quickly and the warmth was swallowed up by the familiar cold as she retreated again. Her beautiful face was graced with an uncertain smile and her cheeks were covered in a light blush.

I couldn't move; the words that I used to wrap myself in, like an additional mask, had failed me. "I'm... Going downstairs to see the others, see you soon!" she said hastily and quickly pushed past me.

A shiver ran through me as her hand brushed against my fingers. The slamming of a door broke me out of my paralysis and I waited until all the footsteps had faded away before I let out a shaky breath.

My shoulders relaxed abruptly, I raised a horribly shaking hand and ran my fingers over the spot where her lips had touched. I winced as if I had been burned by the soft material of my gloves.

The worm writhed inside me and I pressed a hand against my heart, which was beating too fast, panting. Far too many emotions were bubbling inside me, too strong for me to bear.

Swaying as if I were drunk, I staggered down the hall to my room and locked the door. I quickly went to my closet, opened the secret compartment and took out the cardboard box.

On unsteady legs I walked to the bed and sat down, then, almost reverently, I unfolded the cardboard box and took out the knife.

I had to somehow deal with what had just happened and what better way to do that than to just not think about it for a while? My body was exhausted anyway, since Crimson had been sleeping in my room, I hadn't had the opportunity to practice my own form of rest and regeneration.

My sheets were red anyway, I would just have to mop the floor later, I just didn't have the energy to go to the bathroom and lie down in the tub.

No, I had to do it now, otherwise the storm of emotions would tear me apart and leave me with nothing. With trembling fingers, I took the knife and pressed the bare blade against the gray skin of my throat. I closed my eyes...

Suddenly I felt a burning sensation on my neck that was all too familiar. I gasped and dropped the knife as the collar tightened sharply and invisible chains dragged me to my feet.

Just before I could have serious problems with my oxygen supply, the chains disappeared. Panting, I braced myself against the bedpost, knowing exactly what she wanted from me.

I grinned mirthlessly, looking like it was time to visit Rosie again. Like so many times before.

Crimson POV:

What had I done! He had stood there frozen like a pillar of salt and looked incredibly shocked, but on the other hand he had also leaned into my touch and his ever-present smile had looked so genuine.

Maybe it was just unusual for him, I mean, he was probably more used to being afraid of him. I still shouldn't have attacked him like that, what if I had destroyed what little trust he had in me!

But it felt so right.

Frustrated, I drank the rest of my whiskey and asked Husk for another. I tried to focus on something other than my whirling thoughts, preferring to watch Charlie trying to play 'Ludo' with Angel and Vaggie.

I jumped as a yellow token sailed just past my ear and bounced off the bar's sign. Charlie tried desperately to stop Vaggie from strangling Angel.

Grateful for the distraction, I picked up my drink and joined them. "What did he do?" I asked, grinning and taking a sip. "That gillipollas of a spider threw me five times short of the goal!" she raged, while Angel grinned provocatively.

"That's how the game goes Vaggiesaurus." he laughed while Charlie struggled to hold on to Vaggie.

Suddenly we were distracted by a hurried-looking Alastor with a rumpled coat rushing towards the front door. "Hey Al! Where are you going?" Charlie asked, taking the chance to divert attention to something else.

He stopped abruptly and turned his broad grinning face towards us. It stung me that he was avoiding my gaze. "I'm wanted in Cannibal Town, I'm going to visit Rosie." He turned away and was about to rush away when I noticed something: "Is that blood on your face?!"

He paused and wiped a cut on his chin with his sleeve. He was actually bleeding. "Oh, I hadn't noticed that. Well, thanks for pointing that out!" Before I could ask any more questions, he spoke to Charlie again.

"I'm going to go now, Rosie doesn't like waiting. I'll be back a in a little while, don't wait for me to have dinner!" he patted Charlie's cheek and dissolved into shadows.

Sorry it took so long, I had a lot to do. Now we've learned more, Alastor is now visiting Rosie (wink, wink) and is having trouble with an identity that lives in his body, what could that possibly be? I would be very happy about votes and comments.

Gillipollas: Jerk-off

All the best, your Catnip

The dark side of the pentagram OC x Alastor (English ver.)Where stories live. Discover now