chapter 1. Fear

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She was sitting on a bench under a flickering streetlight. The night air was cool, and the park was quiet except for the rustling leaves and distant traffic. The full moon cast long shadows on the ground. Thoughts raced through her mind, and she couldn’t stop overthinking.

"She was thinking about something when she heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer. Fear coursed through her body; she got scared because it was late at night, and she was alone, thinking about things that weren't even worth her attention."

She was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt. Wondering who was coming, she gripped the side of the bench tightly.

That's when she saw two figures walking straight toward her. She gulped and started to move aside on the bench, realizing there wasn’t much distance between her and the men.

She suddenly panicked and started breathing heavily. She saw a guy with red eyes and a hard chest who couldn't walk properly, leaning on the other. The other one seemed quite stable, but his eyes were still red. She understood that they were drunk.

She tried to find a way to run away from there but found no escape route. That's when one of the guys said something that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Why are you sitting alone here, girl?" he asked with a lecherous smile. The other guy was whispering something in his ear.

"I... I'm... here... I..." she stuttered, when she heard another voice.

"Don't be scared, I'll just talk to you, girl," he said, smirking.

"There... there's... nothing to talk about," she stammered, finishing her words in a rush.

"There’s a lot to talk about. Let’s talk about it," he said, coming closer to her.

"N... No... I need... need to go," she said, noticing that the guy was staring at her heaving chest due to fear.

"There’s nothing to be scared about," he said, coming even closer and grabbing her hand.

"P... please," she pleaded, fear evident on her face.

A mix of sweat and tears rolled down her face as she tried to calm herself enough to fight them off.

"These devils will not let me go," she murmured.

Meanwhile, the two men were busy with something else.

She heard a sound of thunder, and she knew she couldn't just stand there and let them turn this moment into a nightmare. She loved the sound of thunder and the rain; she couldn't let these devils ruin it.

While these thoughts ran through her mind, she heard another set of footsteps coming toward her from the opposite side.

Is this person her saviour or he's also like those devils?

Should she run towards opposite side ? Or let herself stuck here ?

Hello my love 💕 this is your author trying to write smthing for you all ... And hoping that you might like it ... Also if you feel there is smthing wrong or any mistake or any suggestions, please let me know 😙... It'll be helpful for me to provide you good stories 🙈. Don't forget to vote guyss .... It'll help me alot . ☺️

_Selene 🌙

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