chapter 7. His POV

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After 2 weeks

Advait's POV

It had been 2 weeks since that happened, and I didn't know what Naina, Rajveer, and her ex-boyfriend talked about, but Naina seemed really upset about whatever he said.

But the thing is, he always came in the morning with a lily in his hand and waited for Naina to arrive. When she arrived, he would get in front of her and try to give her the flower. When she denied taking the flower, he would look sad, get into his car, and leave.

Apart from this, the very strange feeling running inside me was my urge to tell him to get out of here and never come back whenever he showed up with that flower, that lily.

Thoughts were running through my mind, and I snapped back when my PA (personal assistant) came with some files for my signature. I cleared my thoughts and got to work.


After finishing my work, I went to a nearby cafe to get a cup of coffee. That's when I saw Naina sitting there with one of the employees from Rajveer's department. She always wore something white, blue, or red. It didn't matter if it was her top, trousers, or skirt. It seemed like those were her favorite colors.

I shook my head and cleared every thought because these thoughts were not meant to be in my mind. I'm not into girls. I don't like when they try to impress me or come close to me, but she didn't even do anything like that to me, and still, she got my attention. Why?

I got a little frustrated by it all and went to a nearby seat to order my coffee.

"Sir," I heard a voice and thought it was Naina. I turned back to see, but it was my PA.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We have a meeting in 15 minutes," she said and took a step back.

"..." I nodded and went.

Why did I even think it was Naina? When I clearly know that she doesn't even know who the owner of this company is. She just works under my brother, who doesn't want to work here. He's good at sketching and wanted to go into that field, but our dad asked him to work for this company for some time so that if he couldn't get something good in that field, he could come back and work here anytime.


After the meeting, Rajveer came to me asking to throw a big party for his birthday, where he wanted to invite all the members who worked under him.

I gave it some thought and said yes to him since now he was 25 years old. I remembered once he said when he'd turn 25, he'd throw a grand party to let others know that he was 25 and could work according to his will. But it never happened because of dad.

After hearing a YES, he got super excited and called Naina to help him out with the party. That's when I found out that Rajveer and Naina were close. I wanted to remove every thought that came into my mind.

How could I even think about a girl whom my brother already liked? It's a sin. I'm the one who wants to give him every happiness he deserves, but by thinking about Naina, I'm committing a sin... the sin of snatching his happiness from him.

Naina came after that call and stood in front of us. I could see excitement in her eyes. She was smiling fully, her lips slightly parted. And there was my brother, who was also smiling. I couldn't ruin his smile. With this thought, I asked him to handle everything and moved away from there.


Hellooo!! My love 😻 how y'all doing? I think this story is going good but still I want to know this from you all ... Please take some time and review this story... Also vote for it if you like it , share it with your friends ask their opinions and lemme knw 😉.

Stay safe and spread love together 🌼💕


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