chapter 14. resolved

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When Naina was heading out to take a cup of coffee for herself, someone grabbed her hand and tried to stop her . That  someone was none other than Advait.

Advait held her hand, confusion evident in his eyes. He had been puzzled by everything that had happened since their last dinner. He wanted to speak up and ask about everything, but something was holding him back.

On the other hand, the same was happening for Naina. She had wanted to ask why he had held her hand and stopped her, but she couldn't bring herself to ask

Both were staring at each other with a look of questioning on their faces. The atmosphere tensed up as Advait took a step forward and stood right in front of Naina, causing her to lower her head as she couldn't meet his gaze.

With his index finger, Advait lifted her chin and asked her to look at him. At that moment, both knew something was going on between them, but they were unaware of it or perhaps just didn't want to accept whatever they were feeling at that moment.

Naina...?" Advait said, looking right into her eyes, which made her skip a breath. His voice sounded more like a hurt person asking her to stop everything right there.


"I've noticed you since that dinner night. You haven't been yourself—cheerful and excited like before," Advait said, studying Naina's expression closely. The office was quiet except for the faint hum of the air conditioner, adding to the intensity of the moment. "Is something bothering you? Did something happen that night to upset you or anything?" His voice carried a mix of concern and curiosity, desperate to understand what had changed in her demeanor.

She tightened her fist and said " it's .... It's nothing much". And looked away .

"Naina, it's okay. Please tell me what happened? I might be able to help you," he said, his eyes showing desperation.

"How would you help me ? When you're the one  who lied to me , made me fool?" A sudden rage of anger reflected in her eyes .

Advait was shocked, confused and a bit scared .. but he didn't wanted to show . So he kept his face blank . He said nothing but his eyes were asking Naina to tell what he exactly did.

Naina huffed as she saw Advait still standing without uttering a single word, then left the office. She returned with a cup of coffee for herself and tried to get back to her work with low face , her expression was more like hurt person, as If she had been hurt by his behaviour, behaviour of not speaking anything and standing still.

That's when he hesitantly asked her in a deep voice, "What did I do, Naina?"

Naina's eyes widened, and she became angry at his question. She taunted him, saying, "So you don't know what you did, Sir?"

Now it was even more shocking for Advait to hear "Sir" from her. While she had never called him by his name privately, she had also never addressed him as "Sir" before. Although he didn't mind, he had always wanted their relationship to be like that of normal people, not just boss and employee, but at the same time he respected her space.

He held her hand and asked, "Please tell me, Naina. Your sudden change in behavior is killing me. Even though we're not that close, we're close enough to feel the pain when the other person changes their behavior, tone, or attitude."

Tears filled her eyes, so she suddenly looked down, and a tear fell on his hand as he continued holding hers. She started looking at other items placed there just to find a way to escape from this place and question. She was hesitant to share her thoughts but at the same time she wanted to. This little confusion kept her from telling him anything.

.Advait, on the other hand, started clenching his jaw as he was tense about the situation. He made her sit on the nearby couch and handed her a cup of coffee. He eagerly waited for her response but didn't force her to speak.

Advait started patting her head and then her back, respectively, so that she could feel at ease. Noticing his small gesture, Naina's heart melted. She felt an urge to tell him what he had done to her and stop him from doing everything.

With slight reluctance, she began to say, "You lied to me. I don't like people who lie about small things." This triggered a flashback in her mind.


"Aww, abhi is this all for me ? You did this all for me , darling?"

" Ah-ah-y-yesss yess baby , it's for you "

" But wait , if it's for me , then why she's here? "
Ahann!! Was she helping you to surprise me?

" Ofc yes babe".

Flashback ends

She snapped back to reality when Advait took a step back and released her hand. Her eyes were filled with tears. Her breathing became heavy. She held Advait's coat tightly, trying to calm herself down.

He was still visibly confused about what was happening. Then, he stepped forward again, this time closing the distance between them until he was very close to her.

Advait made a guilty face and asked her to explain everything. She hesitantly started telling him how she had thought all the decorations were for her, feeling embarrassed as she recounted it, and how his reply had confirmed to her that he had arranged everything.

Advait panicked slightly and said, "Sorry, Naina. I didn't realize you were thanking me for that reason. It was a misunderstanding. I'm really sorry for making you feel like this. I'm so sorry, Naina."

Naina wiped her tears and said, "You weren't aware of it? So you weren't lying to me? That means I imagined everything and reacted wrongly? Oh no! I'm so-..." Advait didn't let her finish her words and hugged her.

She felt regretful for her behavior and wanted to explain why she had been so upset over a small thing. But then Advait stroked her hair and said, "It's okay, you must have been through something. It was just a misunderstanding and now it's cleared up. We can start fresh. But next time, please ask me if you feel differently about anything."

His words softened her heart, and she nodded as she said, "I... I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just... I don't like people who lie or betray."

"That's okay, Naina. You can share if you want to. I want to know what happened that made you so upset with me over a small misunderstanding," Advait said gently.

Advait stood up from the couch, took Naina's hand, and said, "Come, let me take you somewhere."

Naina questioned him, but he shushed her gently. Intrigued, she started following him, curious about where he was leading her. They walked for a few minutes until they reached a spot.

"We are here," Advait said softly, feeling peaceful.


Hey there! My love 😍 If you're liking this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment you're favourite part or line .

Stay safe and spread love together 🌼💕


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