chapter 16 . New entry .

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As Shreya introduced Naina and Virat . They both stood up from their places and shook hands. Shreya started telling Naina about Virat , how he had been so charming during their college life.

Virat , who was wearing a light blue shirt with folded sleeves and a grey pant , Had Dark brown eyes and little messy hair. He was looked charming and the best part of his over all look was his veins which was popping out because of folded sleeves. He stopped Shreya and told her " you can introduce me anytime."

" Huh! Like you're gonna stay here for long han!?" Shreya said while rolling her eyes.

" Well, yes maybe . oky I accept I didn't tell you about it because I was planning to surprise you but but but .... I'm here for a collaboration project and I'm gonna work with your team shre..." He said with an excitement.

" OMG you're not lying, right? I'm so happy, finally we can work together. Yayy!! , But remember stay away from me hah! Don't started calling me you're gf or anything like college times" Shreya made a face while saying this and slightly pinched him on his forearm.

" Well, let's see who is gonna be my partner here. " Virat winked at her and gave a smirk.

"Um, you also work with shre , right ?" Virat asked Naina in which she nodded and smiled .

" That's great then you guys could help me yay!" An exciting face made by him and he ordered 3 cold coffee as a token of starting new project.


Virat and Naina entered the meeting room at the same time . Shreya was already present there with some other members and Advait. Virat gestured for her to make a first move and go inside. She got impressed with his small guesture and went inside first after leaving a smile on her face .

Advait saw everything but ignored it as he felt a a little different seeing both Naina and Virat together smiling at each other .

Later, they all started talking about the new project, discussing when to start and end it, and all the essential details. Naina was sitting between Shreya and Virat, taking notes. Suddenly, she started coughing. Virat quickly took his glass of water and immediately passed it to her, but because she was coughing so hard, she wasn't able to hold the glass.

Virat stood up from his seat and started patting her back while helping her drink the water from his hand. He sat back down once he confirmed that she was okay.Shreya pinched him again and smirked at his actions, making him roll his eyes.

After meeting room

It was time to leave the office, so she went into Advait's cabin and submitted some papers.

" We can start working on the project from tomorrow onwards." Naina said standing right infront of his desk.

"....." There was no reply from his side and she was confused by his sudden rudeness. But she ignored it , by saying " oky thn I'm taking my leave." And walked away.

When she reached at parking lot she saw Shreya and Virat still there have some chit-chats. She went near Shreya and said " don't you wanna go home ?" .

" Ofc I want to , but this idio't is asking me to have little dinner with him since we met after so long ." Shreya said while pouting her lips .

" So what ? I'm not wrong tho , com'on Shreya I came here after so long and now you're showing your tantrums huh!" He folded his hand around his chest .

" I won't go alone , invite Naina also ." She said and copied his move .

While Naina was still staring and laughing on their childishness.

Advait was also leaving . He took his car  keys and walked towards parking lot.

Shreya hopped in virat's car , asking Naina to come from other side and sit . Naina refused but Virat said . " Please Naina , come na .. it'd be great ."

Naina nodded hesitantly and walked towards other side of the car. She opened the door and hopped in while Virat was waited for her to sit .

Advait was nearing his car when his gaze accidentally moved to the other side where Naina, Virat, and Shreya were getting ready to leave. He saw Naina sitting inside Virat's car while Virat made sure she was settled before driving away.

This made Advait misunderstand the situation, and he thought, "It's not even a month. How did Naina start going home with him?" He didn't want to think about it, but unfortunately, he couldn't stop himself. He saw them heading out of the parking lot and thought of following them.

But soon he lost them . He got stuck in a traffic. Which made him a bit frustrated and he thought of heading back toh his home .


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