chapter 4. Interview

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She was wearing a white office suit for her interview day and looked fabulous, as always. That’s what she was thinking when she reached the front of the company and stared at the name "Rajput Company."

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then opened them and saw another girl who had also come for an interview. The girl was staring at her and making faces. She couldn't understand why and decided to ignore her.

But it happened again, and finally, Naina asked what was wrong with her.

"You're here for an interview?" the girl asked, making a face.

"Yes," Naina replied, a bit nervous, and tried to get inside.

"Don't worry, don't be nervous. You look so young and without experience; you won't get this job," the girl said.

Hearing this, Naina had a flashback of her previous job.


"Sir... Sir, I'll do my best."

"That's fine, you can do more. Just let me help you out."

"I-... I don't need your help..."

**End of Flashback**

She snapped back to reality, nodded, and went inside. Meanwhile, the boss was observing everything from his window and was surprised by the other girl's harshness on the day of the interview itself.

When she entered the company, she heard the receptionist say, "How can I help you, ma'am?"

"Uhmm... I'm here for an interview," Naina replied.

"Oh! That's great. Let me take you to Mr. Rajveer Singh Rajput's office," the receptionist said.

She nodded and followed her. When they reached there, she saw a queue of people waiting for the interview. She got nervous and started rubbing her sweaty hands on her suit.

Someone saw her doing this, and then the manager of the company came and announced, "Don't be harsh or rude to any employee of this company, or we will take immediate action, which could mean kicking the person out of the office."

After saying this, he left. Naina was shocked by the sudden announcement and realized it was related to what had happened a few minutes ago outside the office. She wondered how they knew about it and whether they really kicked that girl out before interviewing her.

Then, she heard someone call her name, "Naina," and she stood straight and went inside with a thought.

"I need to do it. I need to prove to others that I can get this job to let my family live a comfortable life. Moreover, I need to prove to myself that I can stand on my own and work without fear or support."

She opened the door and went inside, seeing her charming boss, who was in a blue suit, with well-set hair and a cozy smile on his face. He wasn’t arrogant or rude like some other bosses. Instead, he was sweet and nice to her, and the interview went well with nice conversation. He wore a smile the whole time, whether asking a question or listening to her answers.

At last, he said, "Okay, you can go now. We’ll let you know later whether you are selected or not."

She wasn’t afraid of not getting the job. Instead, she was happy that he treated her nicely and that her interview went well. She thought of getting a cup of coffee at the nearby office café.

**At the Café**

She ordered a cup of coffee, and in her excitement, she held her phone and was about to call someone but then realized that there was no one she could share her feelings with. A flashback ran through her mind...


"How can you do this to me?"

"It's fine, right?"

"What's yours is mine too, you already said."

"But that doesn't mean you can---"

**End of Flashback**

She snapped back to reality when she heard a sound.

"Mam, your coffee," the waiter said.

"Thank you," Naina replied with a smile.

She took a sip of the coffee and was looking around when a man came and stood in front of her with a smirk on his face.

"May I sit here?" the man asked.

"S-sure," she replied because she didn’t want to be rude.

"So, do you remember our deal?" he asked.

Naina was shocked at his sudden words.

Who was this guy and about what deal he was talking?.


Hello my love ❤️ how are you all? Are you liking the story ? What more plots you are expecting please let me know na.  I know many of you are silent readers so you can also help me by liking the chapter ☺️.....and and and guess what .....You can follow me on ig. For further communication... I started writing just now so account seems quite empty but your support might help me ... Link is in bio 👀🙊.

Stay safe , let's spread love together 🙈

_ Selene 🌙

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