chapter 15. Past

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Naina looked around and saw the park in the soft light between evening and night. The sun had almost set, casting a warm glow over everything. The sky was turning pink and orange, and a gentle breeze made the leaves rustle softly. It felt peaceful and quiet, with birds chirping in the distance." It's beautiful " Naina felt touched by Advait's gesture, appreciating the beauty of the moment they shared as day turned into night.

"I'm glad you like it," Advait said, gesturing for her to sit next to him. "And this time, I know why I'm saying this."

A little embarrassment popped on her face as she sat next to him and said, "I'm sorry, I... it's just... I made up the whole story without... ah, I'm sorry." A tear fell on her cheek.

Advait wiped the tear and said, "It's alright, don't be sorry this much. I brought you here not to hear apologies, but to make you feel better after I hurt your feelings."

Listening to this from his mouth stunned Naina. She turned her head towards the horizon where the sun had almost set, and took a peaceful breath.

" It's peaceful."

" Thats why I brought you here."

"This reminds me of old times when I used to be happy, peaceful. Now look at me what I'm , just a crybaby." She said without realising.

Advait leaned back and said, "Well, it's fine. Everyone changes when something happens to them. You're no exception." A smile formed on her face.

Naina looked at his face and said, "I'm still sorry about my behavior, and I'd love to make it up to you."

Advait turned his face towards her and said, "If you really want to , then tell me what made you feel this way."

She was about to speak, but then a message pinged on her phone. She looked down to see the message, and Advait turned his face to the left. Naina's expression changed to something terrified. Advait noticed her expression and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Uhm, no, it's fine," Naina said, stuttering. Advait stood up from his place and went somewhere, saying, "Wait, I'll be back."

He came back with an ice cream. "Um, I heard girls feel better after having ice cream if they're sad," he said, offering it to her. Seeing this gesture reminded her of all the small things someone used to do for her. She took the ice cream with tears in her eyes and a hint of happiness.

Advait sat beside her and asked, "What happened, Naina? Since evening, you've been crying over small things. Please let me know, bacchha," he said without realizing it. Neither of them was bothered by how he addressed her as "bacchha"; instead, Naina felt touched and hesitant to speak.

She finally gathered courage and began to share. Her voice was trembling, and she was stuttering, but she calmed herself, took a deep breath, and began to tell him everything.

"Do you remember when we met at cafe and I was dancing happily in rain?" As she said the last word rain a small smile formed on her face .

"Hmm". Advait said while listening her words attentively.

"And then a car stopped ..."

" A guy came out of that car . It was my ex boyfriend. " A sudden anger formed on her face, and she furrowed her brows . " He cheated on me , they cheated on me ... My bestfriend and my boyfriend cheated on me ."  A tear fell from her right eye. "I gave him everything but still he choosed to cheat me ,  I stood up by my bestfriend at every step but she betrayed me , they both lied to me . What on earth I did to deserve this ? Why they cheated me ? I'm just a girl with little dreams . Why they have to do this with me ? And if he used to like her ,then why didn't he made it clear "?  She was crying her heart out .  Unaware that the other person is still unknown for her .

" Y--you know what? " She said while wipping her tears off. " It was his birthday and I wanted to surprise him so I went to the same restaurant as he was at. When I went inside it was already decorated. Like it had been pre-planned, I ignored it,  by thinking that It must have been done by someone else.  When I went near his table  .  A girl was already sitting there. I lost my excitement suddenly. Then I took a look at her, only to find  that she was my best friend. I asked why she was here and in reply I got nothing. "

" She's here to help you to surprise me? OMG , in reply I saw him shuttering just for saying yes . "but wait it's not my birthday , so what is she doing here ."  I was thinking like this and unknowingly said it out loud which made her offended. " She said while clutching his suit .

"She felt bit humilated and tried to walk away from the place ,  but a hand stopped her . It's was Abhi , my ex boyfriend's hand . He stopped her from going out and scolded me for behaving like this .  He told me everything on that day . He even said I'm not worth of loving anymore. "

"I don't know why he said like that but it  hurt , my heart broke at that moment, it was very hurtful, Advait". Naina didn't realised she spoke his name while sobbing and telling him her heartbreak story .  A Shriver made his move in Advait's body by listening his name from her mouth. It was more like peaceful but at this moment he shouldn't think about this all . So , he set his thoughts aside and started stroking her hair. While she was hugging him .

Realisation hit her and she removed herself from hug and started making distance from him.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to be like this but....." Advait didn't let her finish her sentence and said " it's alright I'm here don't worry about it, everything will be fine."

Hearing this all felt good and heart felling for him but again she remembered her rule " never fall in love with stranger." She stoop up went directly to their office again .

When she came back she saw some snacks and chocolates on the table . She was mesmerizing by this all but again she didn't wanted to get close this soon without knowing about anything.

"What if he's also like abhi , I mean ofc at the start everyone shows much love and affection, what if he's doing the same ?"  She thought and took a small bit of whatever he brought so that he don't feel rude and at the same time she don't have to take a big step forward.

Next Day

Next day everything started like usual, with a cup of coffee and schedule. She didn't wanted to mix her personal life and work life together so, she didn't tried to talk about whatever happened yesterday . And engaged herself with the project related work . Days went like this ... They work together get some break for meal and snacks then again get back to work .

After a week

They finished their project work finally and now Advait asked Naina to take some break ( holiday)for rest   for which she denied and got back to her working table . She wanted to reserved herself fully but smthing inside her heart was asking her to stop. She ignored it and started working again .

"Offo Naina you're working too much com'on have some rest na. And come here.. I want you to meet someone." Shreya said and said last line in her ear.

"What?, who?" Naina said while turning her head towards her .

Shreya dragged her from her seat and took her in cafe , it was their lunch time so Naina didn't say anything and went along with her .

"Meet him , he is  Virat ."


Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I'm not mentioning Naina's outfit again and again since she's just wearing her office suit of different colours, I'll update only when she wears smthing different or smthing different occasions will come up .

Thanks for reading ❣️. If you're liking this chapter then vote for it ... And if you have any views about it , please letme know.

Stay safe and spread love together 🌼💕.


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