14. Fireworks by Sumida River

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Xie Lian looked so cute, that late afternoon sun giving him an old gold outline, reflecting his brow hair, his almost honey-coloured eyes. Has he always looked this cute, Hua Cheng wondered, and, wait, was it that long ago, that time they met last? He smiled, and all Hua Cheng knew is that he got caught off-guard by this smile, every single time.

"I was in a meeting that dragged on for hours. I tried to make it but – ", he wiped some sweat off his forehead, adding, "I kind of run all the way from the station – "

He was wearing a white loose shirt with a tee (also white) underneath, off-white trousers, and trainers, but didn't have his messenger bag on him, and his face was still a little red and sweaty.

"All meetings drag on when you have somewhere to go afterwards", Hua Cheng commented, after recovering somewhat, smiling politely. Well Xie Lian had tried to come, that must mean something –

"I saw the Twitter post about this event, and wanted to come and say hi", Xie Lian said, "A talk at a museum, that's so cool! San Lang you'll be speaking at TUA next – ", he said, pffting a laugh.

Hua Cheng laughed too, and for a moment both of them just stood there, laughing awkwardly.

"It's been a while, I know. San Lang, I didn't call you because", here he paused, and went on, "Well I've been so busy! You know, my PhD, and organising some summer courses at the department – "

Hua Cheng thought something was off: the way Xie Lian paused, then talking nonstop as if to distract him... It felt like he was about to say something different, but stopped himself just in time.

He didn't want to waste any time overthinking though: he was happy to see Xie Lian again, even if he's being... friendly, but in a kind of polite way. Hua Cheng was happy, yes, but still, he couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed for some reason.

"Oh, right, San Lang, I heard there's a festival tonight", Xie Lian suddenly said, "The Sumida Fireworks. Since I'm here I thought of, huh, buying beer and snacks and going to see them by the river. Do you want to come? Oh – ", he then looked confused, just like that first time they met, "No, you must have plans already and – "

Xie Lian being all confused and flustered just made Hua Cheng feel like melting inside.

He smiled, "I'd love to, Gege. Let's go".

They crossed Midorimachi Park to a convenience store almost just across the road and bought beer and spicy crackers. Hua Cheng couldn't help but smile when Xie Lian grabbed a packet of wasabi peas. He loved it: he always ate a few just to get that burning sensation through his nose, then quickly sipped some beer to cool it down.

"... that's right, how was I supposed to get art speakers all the way from Europe to Japan, within two months? So I had to e-mail a few professors I know in London and Vienna, find people, then collaborate with them to produce Japanese versions of their presentations – "

Xie Lian went on and on, giving him a full update of his life the past two months, while they walked slowly towards the river. It was almost sunset by now, much cooler, but still warm. Hua Cheng noticed Xie Lian talked only of his professional life, and wondered if there was more to it –

He just listened: it was good to hear Xie Lian's voice, having him this close after all this time.

So they were settling for friendship then, Hua Cheng thought, feeling (he didn't know why) that bitter taste in his mouth. But, what did he want then, what did he expect?

"... then I had to escort these people everywhere. Everyone speaks good English in the department but they're just not confident. I think I'll shuffle some staff around to the internship classes, then when they're with the Western students they will – "

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