Chapter 30: So Sick

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*Michael POV*

I was nervous about going to see Kalin today. I really want and need for her to wake up, I just don't want to go home disappointed if she didn't.
So I made up an excuse to not go with Ash and Luke by saying I had something really important to do. I really just went to get pizza.

Dragging my feet down the hallway I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. As I began to approach the room I could hear her voice. I picked up the pace of my footsteps and walked into the room.
I came to a complete halt when I saw her. She looked at me and her smile got brighter, her eyes got wider. I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off.

"Babe! You're here!" She exclaimed and extended her arms out for a hug. Everyone in the room fell silent after her reaction. Calum's jaw dropped, my heart stopped beating. I laughed awkwardly and took a step away from her.
Kalin flipped her hair and brought her head into her hands, "Oh come on guys, I'm just joking around!" She laughed out loud.

I was happy, she was up and talking just as she normally would. It's a little upsetting that I'm stuck in the position that I am in. I'm watching the girl I'm in like with, be in love with someone else.

"Come over here and hug me loser!" She continued to hold her arms out for a hug. I snapped out of my daze and smiled as I hugged her tight, "I'm glad you're awake. I missed you." I pulled away from her.
"Omg I haven't even looked in a mirror yet, I feel like I look like trash." She fanned herself as of that was going to solve the problem,

"You look great, especially in that elegant hospital gown. You really pull it off." I joked. Kalin laughed and posed as if she was a model, "I call it Hospital Chic."

Everyone in the room laughed at her, everyone except Calum. Who had cleared his throat, "Can I have some time alone with Kali, please?"
Kalin's mom shook her head, "Of course you can. Come on boys, lets go get snacks."
I dragged my feet towards the door, I looked back at her before I left.

*Calum POV*

"Well are you gonna hug me and tell me how much you missed me, or just sit there?" Kalin asked and ran her fingers through her hair. I stood up from my chair and sat on the bed next to her.
I placed my hand on her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her forehead. I saw her smile before I did so, I couldn't help it but tears began to stream down my cheeks.

Kalin wrapped her arms around me, "Calum, baby, it's okay. Please stop crying, look I'm okay. I'm awake." She kissed my cheek and wiped the tears. "I'm here with you." She rubbed my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, none of this would have happened if I-" Kalin pressed her lips against mine. She placed her hand under my jaw, and pulled away slowly.
"Don't blame yourself for this. We're okay, I'm awake, and you're all in one piece, well kind of." She laughed and pointed at my arm that was in the cast.

I couldn't help but laugh along with her, "God I missed you so much, I just can't be away from you. I don't know why."

"Duh, I'm Kalin that's why," she shrugged, "Is my phone somewhere in here?" I reached over to the side table and went into the drawer to grab her phone. It got to a point where I had to turn it off she had received many texts and calls from Blake, when she was 'asleep', it became too much for me.

"He's such an idiot, if I'm in a coma how am I supposed to answer my phone? Idiot!" She scrolled through the countless times Blake called. I laughed at her comment, that's my girl.

She shook her head and whined, "Going back to school is going to be so hard."She buried her face into my chest and groaned very loud. We laughed and I wrapped my arms around her, "I'm sure you won't have to go right away babygirl."


And dude I was so wrong. Kalin got one day, one day, of recovery time. She has been swamped with schoolwork because of how many days she had missed. "Hey open the door, I'm here." She said through the phone.

Kali was coming home for the weekend to focus a bit more, I don't know how she's planning on doing that by coming over here, but hey, whatever floats your boat. "Hey babygirl," I grabbed her hand and helped her in the door.
"Hey babe," she gasped and pecked my lips, "Can you please take my bag for me?"

I grabbed it without hesitation, "Damn babygirl, you carried this all by yourself. You must have your whole room in here."

"I know, that's all my books and schoolwork I have to do. I'm so behind it really sucks." She opened the door to my bedroom and fell face first onto my bed.

I sat her bag down next to the bed, and sat with her. I ran my fingers through her hair, "You're gonna finish in time, don't worry." She looked up at me with doubting eyes. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto my lap.

"You're a smart, beautiful girl. You've got this babygirl." I kissed the tip of her nose, her cheeks turned red and she moved her hands to cover them.

"I came over to focus, not blush, Calum." She laughed and hugged me, "Thank you." Kali reached down for her bag and brought it on the bed with us.
She got off of my lap and put a book in her lap. She began to tap her fingers on the cover of it and sighed, "Hey Calum, can I tell you something? And please try not to freak out on me."

I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, "Yeah of course, what's up babygirl?"

She looked down at her hands that tapped on the book she was holding, "I was getting help from Blake the past few days." She stopped and looked at me. I didn't know what to say. "It's not that big of a deal I just wanted to let you know."

"You have?" I tilted my head, "If it's not a big deal, why are you just now telling me about this?"

She took a deep breath in, "You wouldn't have let me do it, and you know that. We were gonna have the same conversation that we're having now." Kalin threw her head back in frustration, "Ugh Calum! It's really not a big deal, babe. I just needed the help, and I still need the help."
I was taking this all in, I can't believe she didn't tell me about this before. "Then why didn't you ask me?" I retaliated.

She slumped her shoulders as if the question had an obvious answer, "He's majoring in the same thing I am, it made more sense to ask him. Plus he's a junior so he knew about all this stuff that I had to do."

I stared blankly back at her, I really didn't know what to say next. She knows how I feel about him, so I don't know why she would go out of her way to do something that I'd hate. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting.

"Please don't be mad at me or be jealous of him, that's an ugly trait." She played with her fingers.

"Well once you stop looking for attention from other guys, then maybe I'll stop being jealous." I rolled my eyes and mumbled under my breath.
"Excuse me?" She furrowed her eyebrows and began to pack up her stuff.

"Babygirl, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I reached for her hand.

She moved before I could grab it, and shook her head, "No, you're always randomly freaking out on me like that. I'm getting sick and tired of it."
Kalin stood up in front of me, "I wouldn't even need his help if you would've just listened to me that night!" I opened my mouth to say I was sorry but she cut me off, "This is all your fault, so don't try to put the blame on me to make yourself feel better."

I was speechless, I had nothing to say. I knew it was my fault, and I could never forgive myself knowing that she felt this way.

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