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“Please let me go” a girl tied with ropes on a chair begged for her life as the man standing beside her placed a knife on her neck.
“Leave her” a male voice took her attention as she gazed up and saw a figure entering inside the dark room.
“Please help me out” She said between her sobs.
“Do you want me to take you out of this prison?” He asked, whispering in her ear.
She nodded hurriedly, ignoring the strange feeling that she got by his presence.
“Alright then leave her”
Her lips curved into a smile as she heard his statement but her smile couldn't last longer until he added “only if she agrees to marry me”
She turned her face to him and a slight light hitted on his face shining his hazel eyes.
“My love, long time no see”
She gasped as she heard these words uttered by his mouth.
“Ah, ah! Seems like you recognize me little girl”
“So you did it all?” She raised her voice at him.
“SHUT UP” he interrupted his man who yelled at her.
“I'm sorry boss” the guy moved backward.
“Don't you guys dare to yell at my lady”
“Stop it! I'm not your lady and_”
“Sh! I don't like it when you're furious” He said while placing his finger on her lips.
Her eyes grew in disbelief.
“Leave us alone” he ordered his men.
Her heart started to race as everyone left one by one. She started to shiver while trying her best to hide her terrified face.
“Now we can talk peacefully, no interruption.Just you and me” he said while dragging a chair for himself and placed it in front of her facing her.
“I can't see your face properly as this place is too dark” he settled on the chair.
“Why don't you just leave me?” her words scattered out from her lips.
“What about you?”
“Why don't you just agree to marry me?” He asked while gazing deeply in her eyes.
“Cause I don't even know you”
He let out a sarcastic laugh from his mouth before uttering “The whole country knows me”
“What do you mean?” She inquired.
“I'm Arav Veer Malhotra,the great AVM”
“Then I'm lady Diana” she managed a taunt even in the situation where she's stuck with ropes in the dark place.
“You don't believe me?” He asked.
She nodded slightly “alright then” he said while bringing his face closer to her, she gasped at his sudden action “don't you dar_” he lit up a lighter right after taking it out from his pocket.
“Everyone says there's a birth mark on Arav Veer Malhotra’s neck” he said while unbuttoning his collar buttons.
“And you think I would believe it?” Her soft voice made him let out another chuckle.
“Sweetheart you don't have another option” he said while showing his bare neck where a black mark was spotted.
“This mark won't prove you as a Arav Veer Malhotra”
“My name seems more beautiful when you utters it”
“Why don't you just let me go,” she said while struggling to loosen the rope wrapped around her wrists and chair.
“Cause I don't let things go away that belong to me” He said while gazing into her eyes.
“I don't belong to you,” she said with an aggressive face.
He smiled before speaking out “Then I would make you mine” he winked raising her anger.
“Please stop this nonsense right now”
“There's a way long to go darling”
She got frightened by his sudden husky voice echoing in the room.
“Bring the tab” he ordered his man who was standing outside the room.
“Yes sir,” he replied while hurriendy entering the room.
He handed him a tab and left as he glared.
“I have something interesting to show you” he said while unlocking the tab.
“But I'm not interested in watching it,” she said while rolling her eyes at him.
“Are you sure or let me play so that you can recognize the voices”
“I won't watch it” she said and looked away until she heard familiar voices coming out of the tab.
“I know my sister will save us,” a child begged.
“What the hell is this” she said as she shifted her eyes at the tab.
“Your family is surrounded by my men” he said while standing up from the chair.
“Are you out of your mind? How can you do this to my family? How dare you?” she yelled at him.
“Too late, but still you have a chance to protect them”
“Please leave them don't hurt them I beg you” she said as her tears started to fall showing her hopelessness.
He brought his face closer to her and lowered his face to her before wiping her tears away by his thumb “then marry me and they'll be freed forever”
“Why do you even want to marry me?” she asked.
“Wanna know the reason?”
She nodded as once again her tears fell from her eyes.
“Because I love you or should I say you became the reason I breath”
“There are billions of girls there then why me choose any other girl”
He let out a sarcastic laugh before saying “THEY ARE NOT YOU, THEY SAY  AVM IS VERY SELECTIVE.”
he paused for a couple of seconds while gazing into her eyes.
She paused for a second until her vision started to blur and the things around her started to rotate until everything blacked out. She slowly started to shut her eyes.
“SHANAYA! SHANAYA” She heard her name called out by him multiple times but she didn't have the strength to reply and she felt as if her soul escaped out from her body.

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