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“Leave me” she said, hitting his chest to Push him.
“I’m the worst person you've encountered to right?, then let me show what I can and can't do” he said aggressively. Her heart started to beat slowly due to his frightened look.
He took her back to the dark room “ Now you'll stay here while I'll kill every single person connected to you” he said while tieing her with ropes.
“PLEASE DON'T” her eyes filled with tears because of his sudden statement.
“It's too late” he huskily whispered to her ear.
“Please don't kill them” she helplessly begged as he started to take his steps back to the door leaving her alone.
“I won't say anything like this ever again”
He ignored her statement as if he didn't heard until another statement of her popped up.
a smirk appeared on his face as he paused his steps.
“It wasn't too hard” he muttered to himself but the moment he turned to her, his gaze softened by staring at her messed crying state.
“So you're accepting my command, nice girl”
She nodded her head before uttering “But only if you won't hurt them”
He nodded while kneeling down in front of her.
“But for that You've to do another thing for me” he added another frightening statement.
Her eyes grew as her heart started to race with curiosity and scare.
“Don't cry much”
“Then don't make me cry” she straightforwardly said it out.
“I won't if you'll obey my commands” he said while wiping her tears away.
“I want to go home back” her words scattered out from her mouth.
“I'll bring you home today and before that I have a few things to tell you”
“What?” She asked.
“Firstly you shouldn't try to run because my men and I will be around you 24/7 and secondly don't try to contact police or agents and thirdly I'll come over at your home for your proposal soon”
She sighed while nodding her head as a yes.
“Good girl” he said while caressing her cheeks before untying her.
She stood up from the wooden chair and he lead her out of that dark room.
“I've asked maids to hang your clothes in the bathroom so go and get ready”
“For what?” She popped a question.
“Don't you want to go home back?”
She weakly smiled on the thought of going back to her home.
“Now go get ready fast” he said while unlocking the door of the room.
She headed inside while he left to his room.
She found a beautiful lavender desi attire hung in the bathroom and she found all the expensive product in that one bathroom “I wonder how much he earns” she muttered.
“Shall we?” Asked Arav while fastening his seatbelt.
“Hmm” she nodded.
He started the drive and the whole journey was filled with the silence as none of them broke the silence.
“How come you know the address of my home?” She asked as he stopped the car infront of her house.
“I know each and every little detail about you”
She awkwardly avoid the eyecontact with him.
“I'll miss you” he said as one of the guards opened the car gate for her.
She was about to get out of the car when he held her hand into his, raising the heartbeats of her.
A beat skipped when his lips softly touched the bare skin of his hand “untill we meet again”
She stayed there like a statue not knowing what to do or say.
“Don't you want to go back to your home?” He asked with a playful chuckle.
“Huh? Oh!” She said before getting out of the car.
He stayed at the corner of her house until she got inside the house.
When she entered the house everything seemed to be normal but abnormal for her, as she found her mother cooking in the kitchen while her father was reading the newspaper in the living room and her brother busy running here and there.
“Wait, was it all a dream?” She questioned herself.
“Oh my sweetheart, when did you come back from your trip with Disha?”
“Huh? Trip with Disha?” She repeated her mother's question.
“You messaged me on your phone that Disha was forcing you to take you with her, tell me how it went?”
“Di,you're back finally, what have you bought for me?” asked a boy who appears to be in his early teens.
“Aman, you're fine?” She tightly pulled him into his embrace.
“What would happen to a supperboy like me”
She smiled to him before petting his head.
A bell ring when she was staring at her brother with a smile on her face.
“Let me check” that boy was about to leave but Shanaya was too scared to let him go so she said “let me check instead” she rushed to the door.
“Ma'am sir said you've forgotten your purse in the car so I came to give you this” one of his men handed her the purse.
“Thank you” she said before taking it from him.
“Who was it?” Asked her mother.
“It was an Uber driver I forgot my purse in the car” she lied before walking towards the living room and found her father sitting there peacefully.
“Dad..” she called his name.
“You're back” he said while smiling at his daughter.
“So how's your trip?” He asked the same question.
“Good” she said with an awkward smile.
“That's great, now go get fresh”
She nodded before going upstairs to her room.
“What's happening, why is everyone saying that I went on a trip with Disha?” She muttered to herself while removing the curtains from the window so that sunlight could enter her room.
She was startled when she spotted him still standing there, she turned herself so that he couldn't notice but a horn made her turn.
She was regretting on the decission of removing the curtains. He was there standing while resting his back on the car crossing his arms over his chest while his eyes were stuck on her. Her phone started to ring she was shocked by reading the caller id “my love” she was about to decline but he gave her a “attend the call” look.

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