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“Don't you dare to lay your dirty hands on my brother” 

She heard a scary laugh coming from the other side of the phone. 

“I'm hanging up now,” she said right after yawning. 

“Good night and have sweet dreams with me” 

She hang up without wishing him back “idiot” 


Placing his hand under his head, his leg crossed over another as he stared at the ceiling “I'm already missing you” his lips curved into a smile as he shut his eyes so that he could imagine her picture in his mind. 

“Can't wait to see you here with me” he said right after opening his eyes. 

“I wish you would have entered my life before so that I couldn't have wasted the previous years of my life” 

His thoughts were disturbed by a phone call “what's now” he attended the call. 

“Sir, Her friend left” 

“Hmm” he hung up the call and was about to place it back but then he dialled her number instead. 

“You can't even let me sleep peacefully” she said right after picking up his call. 

“I just called you to ask if you're fine or not” 

“I can never be fine in your presence,” said Shanaya. 

“Don't be so cruel” 

“Look who is saying it” 

“Alright at least wish me a good night” 

“Good night and have nightmares” 

“Even the nightmares with you seems beautiful” 

“Ah don't disturb my sleep and let me relax at least at night” 

“Good night” he once again wished her before hanging up the call. 

“She is already driving me crazy,” he said in his husky voice. 

“I'll decorate this room the way she wants to,” he said while scanning his room. 

“She's likes tulips, I'll order multiple vases of tulips and decorate the whole room with tulips on our wedding day” 


“Ishaan, I've to tell you something” Shanaya's voice suddenly seemed serious. 

“Yes, love go ahead” he said while placing his hand on the top of her's. 

She smiled weekly at a guy sitting right in front of her, wearing a brown hoodie with blue jeans, his messy hair and a pair of green eyes, straight dominant nose and his lips seems as if someone has applied a gloss on it. 

“Someone is_” before she could complete her sentence suddenly the whole restaurant filled with darkness as someone had turned off the phase of light. 

All of sudden she felt someone covered her mouth with hand. She tried to free herself from the grip but then she was dragged into a restroom. 

“Who the heck are you?” She shouted at the figure. 

Suddenly he lit a lighter showing his face loosening his grip from her.

“YOU?” her face now turned into a fierce one. 

“How dare he touch you” his husky voice was the evidence of his anger. 

“Why do you care?” she raised her eyebrow. 

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