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“I can't believe Shanaya you broke the engagement without informing us” her mother said in disbelief. 

“Mom I'm sorry but I can't marry him” 

“Sweetheart but at least tell me the reason” his dad finally broke the silence. 

“Dad,I love someone else” Shanaya lowered her head. 

“Look at her how shameless she had become,” said her mother in disbelief. 

“Mom, please try to understand me I can't force myself for marrying Ishaan, he's a nice guy but I can never love him” 

“Then why did you agree to the proposal?” 

“I was so immature back then” Shanaya finally made an excuse. 

“Love, if she loves someone else then we should support her instead of scolding her” said her father. 

“I can't believe you're taking her side” her mother said while holding her head in her hands. 

“We can't force her to marry someone whom she can't love, try to understand her point” said her father. 

“Alright I'll meet them but I won't agree to the marriage if the guy wouldn't be good” she smiled before nodding even though deep down she felt as if someone was stabbing into her heart.

“When will they come?” Asked her father.

“Tomorrow evening” 

Her mother's eyes grew in shock “this early” 

Shanaya nodded her head as a yes. 


“Are you guys ready?” Asked Arav while stepping downstairs while wearing a wrist watch. 

“Bhai, don't tell me you're going to wear it” asked Shristi. 

“What's wrong with that” 

“Avi, I think it's too formal,” said Natasha.

“Guys come fast it's getting late” his uncle said while entering the Mansion. 

“Dad, please ask him to change,” Said Natasha to her father. 

“Nuts di, I think it's too late” said Neil. 

“Arav, my son, may you be protected from evil eyes,” his aunt said while adoring him. 

“Ma, look at him he's wearing a suit instead of desi attire” said Natasha. 

“Mama, my handsome mamo (uncle)  is slaying,” said a little girl rushing to Arav's arms. 

He picked her up “My little girl approved it so I don't have to change now” he said while raising his hand for high five. 

“Mamo’s (uncle) second copy come here” Natasha called her daughter. 

“Nuts di where is your only husband” 

“He won't join today as he got an urgent meeting” 

“Let's go or else we'll get late on the first meeting” said his uncle. 

All of them got into the cars while multiple guards surrounded them for protection. 

“Ma, where is Dad?” Arav turned his face to his mother. 

“he went to bakery with driver as he wanted to buy sweets” 

“Ah alright then shall we wait for him?” 

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