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A girl laying on bed slowly started to open her eyes, she blinked thrice to adjust her vision and found herself on a comfortable bed, she jumped up right after realising an unfamiliar room.
“Are you alright?” A soft male voice took her attention.
She looked at the guy before saying “so I'm still in your prison”
“I'll ask the maids to serve your breakfast here”  he was standing beside the door resting his back on the wall while crossing his arms around his chest..
“No need, I won't eat,” she said, looking away from him.
“You've to eat, it's my command”
“And who am I to obey you?” she asked while rolling her eyes at him.
“You'll know it soon,” he said while leaving the room. She found an opportunity to leave, she stood up from the bed and walked towards a glass patio door showing the view of a balcony. She tried to swipe it but it didn't work.
“Too sad! You couldn't run away from here” his sudden appearance made her startled.
“Your breakfast is here” he said as the middle aged woman placed a tray of meal on the bed.
“I won't eat,” she declared.
“You've to darling” he said as the maid left the room slamming the door softly.
“Stop calling me darling”
“Only if you'll eat”
“I won't,” she said while crossing her arms around her chest.
“Do you want me to murder your family?”
“I can't believe you're that heartless”
“Not more than you, you're not even accepting my love sweetheart”
“Ah! Shut up” she showed her annoyed pale face.
He picked up his phone and dialled a number.
“Yes si_”
“Is the little boy still crying for mercy?” He asked through the phone .
Shanaya's eyes filled with tears as she heard his side of the conversation.
“Yes sir”
“Oh I see, do you've a gun?”
Shanaya's  tears started to fall as his eyes collided with hers.
“Should I shoot?” a guy asked from the other side of the phone.
“should he shoot?” He asked moving closer to her ear.
She shook her head as her eyes begged for mercy. He smiled before speaking out “Don't shoot him”
“Now eat before it gets cold” he ordered her after declining the call.
“Why the hell are you doing this to my family, what have we done to you?”
“ Oh dear darling you're asking after stealing my heart, huh?”
She didn't dare to argue, instead she settled on the bed and started to eat.
“That's like a good girl” he said as he settled down on the sofa placed at the right side of the bed near the side table.
“I'm full,” she said after having three bites of the omelette.
“Do you want me to call again?” He asked, pressuring her to eat.
“Stop black mailing me. I'm saying I'm full, I can't overeat, '' she spoke out as her hands started to shiver on the thought of losing her family.
“Calm down darling, I won't force you” he said while tugging her bangs behind her ear.
“Don't touch me,” she said in frustration.
“Ah ah I'm sorry” he said while maintaining a distance between them.
She lowered her head just to avoid his eyes until he decided to break the silence “so what's your decision?”
“For what?” She gazed up at him.
“About our marriage” he said while staring right into her eyes.
“I_ I can't marry you” she said while roaming her gaze here and there just to avoid eye contact with him.
“Reason?” He asked with tightening his fists.
“I don't think you should know”
“Be serious about it or otherwise you'll lose your family forever”
“You want to marry me by black mailing me?” She gave him a disgusting stare.
“Yes, I'll stay on my point until what's mine will come to me”
“I can't believe heartless people like you exists”
“Unfortunately you had an encounter with one” he said while standing up from the sofa.
“I'm leaving but let me declare one thing, you won't be able to run away from here so don't try to waste your time and efforts”
She rolled her eyes at him who just left the room leaving her alone in the room.
“They don't even have a telephone here” she said while searching for a telephone and a perfect thing that could help her to escape from his prison.
“Shena, you've to escape before he could hurt your family” she said to herself while opening the glass patio door she tried multiple times but it didn't work. She sighed as her gaze fell on the door of the bathroom. A smirk appeared on her face as she started to take steps towards it. Soon she entered the bathroom but didn't find any way to escape outta here.
She was startled by the sudden gunshot. Her heart started to race, her tears started to fall while she covered her ears with her palms.
He entered her room but couldn't find her so he started to scan the whole room and thought she ran out of the mansion but then his eyes fell on the unlocked door of the bathroom. He rushed inside the bathroom and saw her sitting on her knees near the bathtub, covering her ear with her hands.
He softly knelt down to match her level “are you alright”
She shook her head as a no while letting her tears flow down to her cheeks.
“I'm sorry” he uttered, gazing at her with concern.
“Please take me out of this place” she said as her vision started to blur because of tears.
“Sure let's go” he said while offering his hand to her right after standing up from the floor. She blinked multiple times at him until he spoke “I won't hurt you, I promise”
She shook her head as no before saying “How am I supposed to trust a person like you?”
He quietly stared into her eyes as the question she asked brought him to the depth of thoughts.
He curved his lips forcefully into a smile before getting back on his knees
“Am I that bad?”
She immediately nodded her head as yes.
“You're the worst person I ever encountered to”
He lowered his head as for the first time something hit his heart so deeply that he couldn't even answer to justify himself.
“Alright then, I'll forcefully take you away from here” he said while picking her up in a bridal way.

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