Chapter 9: Sister's

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(Sorry for not uploading for a week I was on a trip and I took a little break from this story for a while. Also sorry again if this chapter isn't as good as the others I'm still getting back into the swing of things.)

The pink Troll then squealed in excitement and started to run around hugging everyone. They chuckled awkwardly as she did so not really knowing how to react.

It reminded you a lot of Poppy in a way. Someone who didn't really understand people's boundaries and was super hyper all the time.

You panicked a little, stepping back a few steps as she ran up to you, arms wide open and a big smile on her face.

But she stopped a few inches in front of you, her face going from cheerful to confused.

You freeze in place waiting to see what she would do next as she stared at you. Usually when you met new Trolls they would freak out and cause a scene.

The others also looked a little worried, especially Poppy and Branch.

Viva walked closer slowly, titting her head trying to get a better look at your face.

"You're not a Troll." she said slowly, leaning forward with a surprised expression on her face.

You heard whispering from behind you, though you couldn't see who it was coming from in the darkness.

"ye-yeah I'm human." you tell her.

She didn't say anything and kept coming closer toward you.

She wasn't going to attack you right?

"Woah, hey." said Branch sliding in front of you "what are you doing?" he said with his arms out protectively.

Viva stopped before her face broke out into happiness saying "omg I LOVE your hair."

Confused, you blink and see she had disappeared from the spot she was before.

You and Branch look around frantically for her before you feel someone touching your hair. You jumped grabbing Branch's arm and screaming when you saw Viva had materialized right behind you both.

"But why is it down and not up?" Viva said from behind you holding some of your hair in her hand, "not that I don't like it, it's great! But is all human hair like this? It's so shiny. What's your hair route?"  she asked you.

Your brain was short circuiting and all you could say was "ummmmm."

In the corner of your eye you could see Branch giving her a weirded out look.

"Can I like style it for you?" she asked wide eyed and staring into your very soul.

You pull your hair back gently from her hand and comb your hands through it, "wait your not freak out by me? Like at all?" you say in between heavy breaths.

Viva puts her hands on her hips "Of course not, you're our size." she leaned in to you, "you are a little different than us but you couldn't possibly eat us. Not like you-know-what." She laughed "and if we kicked you out you could be mistaken for one of us and get eaten,"

You felt Branch shift uncomfortable next to you.

"But" she quietly said, leaning closer to you and getting more serious. "Just be careful around others' thou. They're a little, you know, quirky sometimes." she laughed again, patting your arm, "just don't try anything and you'll be fine."

"Oh, ok." you say uneasy.

You glance at Branch and see that he too was a little freaked out about this.

You were definitely not gonna tell them about your hug time bracelet thing anytime soon.

Or ever, for that matter.

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