Chapter 12: Floyd

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Mount Rageous was quite the place to be. A lot like Las Vegas, it was loud, flashy and huge like a maze. Well maybe that last bit was because you were the size of a Troll still but it would be quite the challenge to navigate even at your normal size.

Though navigation wasn't the hardest part to get around. it was the people, quite literally. The place was full of very tall beings (probably taller than you) that seemed to have the self awareness of a blind dog that would constantly get in the way.

Eventually you found the "Rage Dome" after much trial and error.

"All right, look. Security is really tight. So we're not gonna be able to just walk right in." said Branch.

"You know what that means. we're scaling the walls." Poppy continued for Branch.

"That shouldn't be too hard." you say hands on your hips.

Tiny looked between the two "We're huh? Doing what? When?"

"We should plan to make our ascent about 200 meters east of the entrance." Branch said, ignoring what Tiny had asked.

"Good thing I brought extra gummy gloves." Poppy announced pulling out said gummy gloves.

You all began to climb the wall which wasn't too hard for you. You did climb a lot of trees back at home to pass the time or to get a good view of stuff. It was very high up though so you avoided looking down too much.

"I'm tired. Carry me." winned Tiny, climbing up the wall just under you three.

"You have to walk on your own, Tiny. You have to be a big boy." Poppy told him.

"But my feet hurt. I don't wanna." Tiny continued to wine.

"Here." you say grabbing Tiny and placing him on your shoulder.

"Yayy, thanks (aunt/uncle) Y/n." Tiny cheered.

"Be quiet. I need to concentrate." you say reaching your hand up above your head.

"The quickest way in will be at the roof." Branch said once you all reached the top.

"The HVAC system." Poppy answered.

"Yeah the HVAC thingie." you say as well, taking Tiny off your shoulder and onto the roof.

"Ooh. I love how you say HVAC." Branch said to you.

"Umm Thank you." You said, a little confused by his behavior.

You all climb over the edge and go toward a big fan that you had to stop or as Branch put it "get our cupcakes cut in two". After you had gotten into the actual building Poppy got out a welder (God knows where she got it from) and began blasting the wires that were connected to the power melting them.

Once the power went out you all crawled through the vents until you came across a white room with various things like clothes and makeup to prepare one for a show. You didn't notice any diamond prison laying around so you were about to move on when Poppy said.

"Look. There he is." she pointed into the room at a table with a purple perfume bottle "Come on." she took out one of those sticky hands using it as a way to get into the room.

Branch was the first one down there and ran over to the perfume bottle to see Floyd.

Man Floyd didn't look like he was doing that well. His eyes and body were tired looking and he seemed stressed out. Though despite this he still seemed very glad to see Branch finally after a long twenty years. His body also looked transparent and pale. You didn't know whether this was a side effect of his talent being taken away or something else entirely.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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