Chapter 2.1: The moonlit night

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As I expressed my gratitude, Avan suddenly noticed my demeanor and asked, "Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit sad. What's on your mind? You can confide in me; I'm here to listen," he said with a concerned smile.

"Well, it's just something that weighs heavily on me. It's a memory that haunts me—the guilt of believing I was the reason my big brother passed away," I replied with a somber tone.

"Why do you think that? What happened in the past? You can share with me; perhaps unburdening your heart will bring some relief. I understand you've been carrying this alone for so long, right? I'm here now; you can trust me with your secret, Steff." Avan replied with a concern face

I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to share the heartbreaking incident with Avan.
"It was a tragic day," I began, my voice trembling. "I blame myself for my brother's death. The accident left me with a damaged eye and severe blood loss. I had persuaded my brother to accompany me to the market to buy something. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't bear to see me cry, so he agreed. We set out to find a taxi, and that decision led us to the accident. Despite the severity of my injuries, I could have been saved. But my brother... he didn't make it. And so, my parents decided to give me my brother's eyes and donated his blood to save my life." The weight of the memory lingered in the air as I revealed the painful truth of the car accident and its cause to Avan.

As I poured out my heart to Avan, sharing the pain of the accident and my father's anger, tears streamed down my face. Sensing my distress, Avan spoke softly, "Steff, I can't begin to fathom the weight you carry—the guilt, the sorrow, and now, your father's anger. It's a lot for anyone to bear."

With a comforting hand on my shoulder, Avan continued, "Your father's anger may stem from his own grief and confusion. Losing a child is a devastating blow, and in his pain, he may not know how to express his emotions. It doesn't make his anger right, but it comes from a place of deep hurt."

He paused, his gaze filled with empathy. "Steff, you are not defined by this tragedy. You are more than the events of that day. Your family's love, your brother's sacrifice—they all speak of resilience and strength. And remember, I'm here for you, to listen, to support, and to stand by your side through it all."

Avan's words of comfort wrapped around me like a warm embrace, offering solace in the face of my father's anger. In that moment, his unwavering support was a beacon of light in the darkness, a reminder that I was not alone in my pain.

As we continue embracing each other in our arms,
Avan extended a warm invitation for me to visit his home, a gesture that filled me with both curiosity and gratitude. As we arrived at Avan's house, I couldn't help but notice the serene ambiance that enveloped the place, a sense of peace that seemed to emanate from every corner.

Intrigued by the tranquil atmosphere, I turned to Avan with a curious expression and asked, "Avan, why do you live alone here?" The question lingered in the air, prompting Avan to share a part of his past that he had kept hidden.

With a somber tone, Avan revealed, "I'm an orphan. A kind priest took me in and provided me with a home. However, when I was sixteen, the priest passed away due to old age, leaving me with this house as my only sanctuary." "I also serve at the church, in the form of cleaning or sometimes singing when there's an event, since the priest that took me in wanted me to be a good kid" he added

The weight of Avan's words hung in the air, a glimpse into the solitude and loss that had shaped his journey. Despite the challenges he had faced, there was a resilience in Avan's demeanor, a quiet strength that spoke volumes about his character and inner resolve.

As I sat in Avan's humble home, surrounded by the echoes of his past and the warmth of his presence, I felt a deep sense of connection with him. The story he shared revealed layers of resilience and strength that spoke volumes about his character.

Reaching out to Avan, I held his hand gently, feeling the weight of his solitude and loss. "Avan, your journey is a testament to your inner strength and kindness. Despite the hardships you've faced, you've shown remarkable resilience and grace. You're not alone in this, I'm here for you, just as you've been for me."

Avan's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, his voice soft and vulnerable.
"Steff, I've carried the burden of my past for so long, yearning for a connection that transcends the pain. Your presence brings me a sense of warmth and understanding that I thought I'd lost."

Squeezing Avan's hand, I made a promise from the depths of my heart. "Avan, I won't leave you. Together, we can find comfort in each other's company, creating new memories filled with love and companionship. We'll navigate the challenges ahead side by side, drawing strength from our friendship."

Avan's gaze met mine, a glimmer of hope shining through the shadows of his past. "Thank you, Steff. Your words are a balm to my soul. I value the bond we share and the solace you bring into my life. May our friendship be a guiding light in the darkness, leading us towards a future filled with healing and renewal."

Under the gentle moonlight that filtered through the windows of Avan's home, we sat in quiet companionship, finding solace in each other's presence. The shared weight of our experiences and the promise of unwavering support forged a bond that transcended the pain of the past, illuminating a path towards a brighter tomorrow.

--To be continued--

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