Chapter 5: I... I think, ILY

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The wedding ceremony concluded, leaving a lingering sense of warmth and hope in its wake. As the guests began to disperse, I found myself standing beside Avan, both of us watching the newlyweds walk down the aisle, hand in hand.

"It was a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?" Avan said, his voice soft.

I nodded, unable to speak. My thoughts were still swirling with the 'yellow' that had become so prominent during the ceremony. It felt like a sign, a hint of something beautiful and potentially life-changing.

"You seem quiet," Avan observed, his gaze meeting mine. "Is everything alright?"

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I'm fine," I managed, forcing a smile. "Just...thinking."

He leaned closer, his eyes filled with concern. "About what?"

I hesitated, unsure how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions that had been swirling inside me. It was a strange mix of excitement, apprehension, and a yearning for something I couldn't quite define.

"About...everything," I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper. "About the wedding, about the future, about..." I trailed off, unable to find the words to express the depth of my own confusion.

Avan's expression softened. He understood. He had seen the shadows that haunted me, the pain I carried within. He reached out and gently took my hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

"There's no need to rush," he said, his voice a soothing balm to my anxieties. "We have time to figure things out."

His words were a comfort, a reassurance that I didn't have to face this alone. His presence, his unwavering support, felt like a haven in the storm of my emotions.

As we walked out of the church, the sunlight seemed even brighter, the air lighter. A sense of hope, of possibility, hung heavy in the air.

"I'm glad you came with me today, Steff," Avan said, his gaze lingering on me. "It meant a lot to have you there."

"I'm glad I came too," I replied, my voice barely audible.

We walked in silence for a moment, the unspoken emotions between us growing with each passing step. I was aware of his presence beside me, his warmth radiating through the air.

Suddenly, Avan stopped walking, his hand still clasped in mine. He turned to me, his eyes searching mine.

"Steff," he began, his voice low and serious. "There's something I need to tell you."

My breath caught in my throat. The moment, the anticipation, the unspoken tension between us - it felt like we were at a turning point, like something big was about to happen.

"What is it, Avan?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

He took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for something difficult. "I...I think I need some time to think about things," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "About us, about everything."

A wave of disappointment washed over me. I hadn't expected a confession, not yet. But his words, his hesitation, his need for time, left a hollow ache in my heart.

"I understand," I said, trying to sound composed. "Take all the time you need."

He squeezed my hand gently, his gaze filled with a mixture of regret and something I couldn't quite decipher. "Thank you, Steff," he said, his voice barely audible.

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