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The morning light danced upon the grounds of Alfea as Aria, Hannah, Flora, Stella, and Andrea stood before Faragonda in front of the school. Faragonda handed Aria a weathered map, her eyes filled with wisdom and encouragement.

"This map will lead you to the hidden cave where the Third Wisbell resides," Faragonda said, her voice carrying the weight of their quest. "Remember, you are a team. Together, you can overcome anything."

"Thank you. Ms. Faragonda." Aria said as the girls nodded to her, their determination burning bright as they thanked Faragonda. Turning to Jacob and Roy by the owl, they found excitement radiating from the boys.

"Ready to go?" Jacob asked eagerly.

"We're more than ready," Aria replied with conviction.

With swift movements, they boarded the ship and settled into their seats. Jacob and Roy powered up the ship, the thrum of the engines filling the air as they set course for the Lost Isle.

As they soared through the sky, the girls huddled together, studying the map with eager anticipation.

"I can't believe we're really doing this," Stella exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Andrea pondered aloud, "I wonder what we will be up against."

"Same," Hannah agreed, glancing over at Aria who was intently studying the map.

Flora inquired, "What do you see?"

Aria remained fixated on the map before responding, "I want to ensure we stick to a clear path once we arrive, to steer clear of any potential creatures." She then carefully placed the map back on the table.

40 minutes passed in a blur of clouds and sky, until finally, the Lost Isle appeared on the horizon. Jacob expertly navigated the ship through the dense foliage, landing in a clearing by the water.

Stepping off the ship, they looked around the place." This is it, guys," Flora whispered, her voice tinged with excitement and worry.

"We're really going to find the Third Wisbell," Hannah added, her eyes shining with determination.

"Headmistress Faragonda said that it is located in a hidden cave within the depths of the ocean." Aria said and everyone looked at the water.

Stella, always the one to lighten the mood, attempted to break the tension with a joke. "Well, it looks like we're going swimming," she quipped, trying to inject some levity into the situation. Her words were met with a few half-hearted chuckles, but the weight of the impending mission still hung heavily in the air.

Aria spoke up. "Some of us should stay here. We don't know what awaits us on this island," she suggested, her voice laced with caution. The others nodded in agreement, realizing the wisdom in her words.

"Roy, Jacob, Hannah, and Stella will stay," Aria declared, assigning the task of remaining behind to the four. The two girls exchanged a glance, confusion etched on their faces. Stella, unable to contain her desire to help, voiced her protest. "But why do we have to stay? I want to help," she pleaded, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Aria's response was firm yet gentle. "Because your powers aren't exactly going to be necessary for this mission. I need Andrea and Flora," she explained, emphasizing the importance of their water and nature abilities. The words hung in the air, causing Hannah to cross her arms in defiance.

"And what about you?" Hannah challenged, her voice laced with skepticism. Aria's glare silenced her instantly, the intensity of her gaze leaving no room for further argument. "Because I know where it is. If you want me to not go, just say it," Aria retorted, her voice filled with determination. The group fell into an uneasy silence, realizing the weight of Aria's knowledge and the importance of her presence.

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