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The nurse explained the precautions one by one before opening the door of the ward for them.

The ward was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Lian had many wires connected to unnamed instruments. She was wearing a hospital gown, but her exposed skin was covered with bandages, including her arms, ankles, neck, and forehead.

Lian reluctantly opened her eyes and tried to force out a smile. She was a good and sensible girl. She protected her elder sister in times of crisis and escaped death, but now she was still afraid that her family would worry.

As a mother, seeing her child lying on the hospital bed like this, the pain was indescribable. The mother still couldn't control her emotions, tears welled up in her eyes, and she would probably cry as soon as she opened her mouth.

Lina walked forward and tried to say something to reassure Lian in the calmest tone.

"The doctor has checked and found that I only have a slight scratch. The baby in my belly is also very well. It was you who protected him/her."

Lian blinked, and Lina smiled and nodded.

"It seems that the baby's name will be left to you." This may be the tacit understanding between sisters, they understand each other very well.

Lian lay flat on the bed, even with a neck brace on, and she could only see people very close to her.

Roy hid behind everyone, and from his angle, he could see clearly all the conditions of the person lying on the bed. He was heartbroken, how could he control his emotions.

Lian tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't see the person she wanted to see. Lina saw the disappointment in her eyes.

Lina knew who Lian wanted to see the most. She made way and pushed Roy forward.

Lian didn't expect Roy to suddenly appear in front of her. She didn't care if her current situation was in a mess, she just felt surprised and moved.

The moment Roy saw Lian, the word "riddled with holes" ran through his mind. But when he thought of this word used on Lian, he felt heartbroken again. He wanted to say something or do something to comfort Liab, but he couldn't do anything. Even when he wanted to hold Lian's hand, he was afraid of hurting the hand covered with IV tape.

After a long silence, Roy choked up and said, "I'm here... I've been there all along."

Lian's tears burst out, slid down from the corners of her eyes, and hit Roy's heart. She tried to open her mouth, but it was very strenuous because her lips were cracked and even sticky.

Roy shook his head and made a shushing gesture. "Don't worry, we'll take it slow."

Take it slow, not only for Lian's injury, but also for the relationship between the two. As long as the heart is there, the mountains will always be there, let's take it slow.

Prem didn't dare to go in, and watched everything inside through the glass with Boun. In fact, it was right not to go in. He was already crying while watching from outside.

In the face of death, nothing is worth mentioning. Only after experiencing a close encounter with death, can you know what is the most valuable.

Fortunately, Lian is fine, otherwise Roy will regret it for the rest of his life if he can't see Lian again because of a misunderstanding or a so-called hurdle that he can't get over.

Prem is also afraid that if he loses the chance to spend his life with Boun because of his own concerns and worries, he will regret it.

Roy wanted to stay to take care of Lian, so Prem and Boun went back first. The two were really tired, and Boun wanted to drive Prem home first. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the morning rush hour began. As soon as the car came out of the hospital, it was stuck and could only move slowly.

Boun seemed fine, but Prem didn't seem to be in a good state, maybe because he was tired or worried. Boun didn't say anything, but just used his free hand to hold Prem's.

The traffic jam was even worse. Just now, there were occasional motorcycles passing by the cars, but now all vehicles could not move, and the whole city seemed to be still.

The sun was blocked by large clouds, the sky darkened, and the mood became much darker.

Boun was thinking about the company's affairs, and was worried about Prem's mood. He clenched the little fleshy hand in his hand a little tighter.

Silence, quiet, but even breathing could not be heard.


Prem would call BB when he was in a good mood. When he called Boun, what he said next would not make either of them happy.

Boun took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and then responded calmly.


"Let's get married."

Boun couldn't believe his ears, staring at Prem with wide eyes.

"I want to get married." Prem didn't avoid Boun's gaze, but was more determined to express his thoughts.

"You..." Boun was interrupted by Prem before he could finish his words.

"Are you willing?" The hand that was originally held was held tighter, and Prem also covered it with his other hand, waiting for Boun's answer.

"Yes, yes! I... Of course I am willing... I..." Boun was surprised and happy, so happy that he couldn't speak clearly, and he was eager to explain his thoughts. "I always thought you didn't want to get married... or didn't want to marry me."

"How could it be?" Prem's eyes turned pink. "I was just a little scared before."

"So, have you thought it through now? Are you sure?"

"Sure! Let's go to the mall now. I want to buy you a ring."

"Ring?" Actually, Boun had already ordered a ring for the proposal, but it takes time to make it. "Okay, let's go now."

The road suddenly became open, the car started to move forward slowly, and Boun's mood became brighter.

The bright sunlight shines through the dense leaves on both sides, refracts through the windshield and shines into the front row, and occasionally some tiny dust particles spin and jump playfully in the air.

Just like Boun's mood.

The irrepressible joy is like flowers taking root and blooming in his heart, and each one is higher and bigger than the other. The corners of his mouth were raised all the time, Boun hadn't felt the urge to shout loudly for a long time.

When they arrived at the parking lot, the mall was not open yet. Prem said he was hungry and asked if they could go have brunch first. Boun rarely gave in to Prem. He insisted on buying the ring first, as if with the ring, Prem could not regret it and they were really going to get married.

Boun dragged Prem into the mall as soon as it opened. They searched for the ring they liked in store after store. Finally, they picked a style that satisfied both of them. It was ordinary, without extra diamonds and embellishments, only simple engravings.


The two of them didn't even have a ceremony. After deciding on the style, they put it on each other in front of the salesperson.

Prem insisted on him giving the money because it was he who proposed to get married, and rounding it off would be his proposal. The ring was supposed to be prepared by him.

In any case, Boun's heart was settled and he felt relieved. On the two hands clasped together, there was a pair of engagement rings, which was Prem's promise and reassurance to him.

Prem felt very sorry that he had brought it up too hastily, and he had not even prepared words of confession, nor did he buy Boun a bouquet of flowers.

Boun thought that it was a good thing to cancel the surprise proposal he had prepared, at least Prem could take the initiative to propose to him. It was Prem who took the initiative to get married, and that was enough to make him happy for a long time.

But they all know that there is no need for flowers, no rings, no surprises, as long as you and I are together.

To be together for a long, long time.

To Be Continued...

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