Chapter One

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Sunshine shone in through the entrance of the damp den. Dapplepaw groaned as a paw prodded her side.

"What is it?" she mewed sleepily.

Maplepaw gave an excited bounce and mewed "I overheard Petalstar saying that we're going on a mission!"

Dapplepaw sat up in surprise and asked "For what?"

"I think It's about our special powers. She wants us to find the rest of the cats in the prophecy!" Maplepaw mewed.

Suddenly, there was a voice outside of the den.

"Maplepaw, Dapplepaw, Petalstar wants to talk to you," mewed the voice.

The two apprentices exchanged a glance then padded excitedly out of the den. Waiting for them was Echobright, the deputy of LeafClan.

"Follow me girls," mewed Echobright as he turned and padded towards Petalstar's den.

Maplepaw and Dapplepaw followed eagerly. Soon, they were up on the high rock, entering Petalstar's den.

"Have a seat, we have lots to talk about," mewed Petalstar.

The two apprentices sat down, their tails quivering with excitement.

"So," mewed Petalstar seriously, "You have told me you have powers. Now, I want you to prove it."

Dapplepaw mewed eagerly "Oh, I have super speed but I cannot run my best in this tiny area."

Petalstar smiled and nodded the mewed "Very well, jog then. Oh, and make sure you don't mess up my nest in the process."

Dapplepaw blushed and started quickly trotting across the room. Then, she stopped.

Dapplepaw mewed, "How was that?"

"Wonderful!" mewed the LeafClan leader. "What's your power then Maplepaw?"

"It's to heal stuff," Maplepaw mewed confidently.

Petalstar frowned, thinking then mewed "Ok, you see this scratch?" as she lifted some fur from her flank. "Heal it."

Maplepaw gulped and put a paw on the scar. Using all her energy, she waved her paw over the scar until it disappeared. Then, she lay down, panting with effort.

Petalstar gaped in shock and mewed quietly,

"You two cats are certainly the ones of the prophecy, but I warn you. Use these powers wisely, for the good, not evil. As you may have heard, I am sending you on a journey, a journey through all the clan territories. You must find the two cats of each Clan that have a power like yours and return."

Maplepaw and Dapplepaw stared in silence.

"Do you understand?" mewed Petalstar seriously.

Dapplepaw mewed "I'm sure we will do our best to complete this mission. We are truly the ones who shall save us all."

"Come on," mewed Maplepaw "Our adventure starts now."

The two apprentices padded out of the LeafClan leader's den, dipped their heads in respect and headed to the border near RippleClan and EarthClan.

"Which way first?" mewed Maplepaw.

Dapplepaw thought for a moment then answered, "To RippleClan."

Maplepaw started to cross the border when suddenly, Dapplepaw called, "No, Maplepaw! We don't want to start a fight, just wait at the border until a patrol comes!."

Maplepaw came bounding back.

"For StarClan's sake, never scare me like that ever again!" teased Maplepaw.

Suddenly, two cats were crossing the river, coming towards the two Leafclan apprentices.

"Well, this can't be a patrol," murmured Maplepaw.

Suddenly, the two cats were right in front of Maplepaw and Dapplepaw.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" asked the sleek tom.

"The're here for asking us about a prophecy," replied the beautiful she-cat.

Dapplepaw froze and asked, "How did you know that?"

The she-cat gasped and stared at her paws.

"I think you can read minds," answered Maplepaw.

"Does that mean I'm one of the cats in your prophecy?" asked the silver she-cat.

"Hold on, what prophecy?" asked the tom.

Dapplepaw recited "There are two, two of each Clan who will have the power of the stars to save them all."

"Ahh, I think I might have a power too." replied the muscular tom.

"So, you have the power to read minds," mewed Maplepaw pointing at the silver she-cat. "But you, what power do you have?" asked Maplepaw as she pointed to the tom beside her.

"Well," he mewed, "I almost never get hurt in battles."

"Woah, invincibility!" mewed Dapplepaw and Maplepaw together.

"It seems that you two are the special cats from Rippleclan. Go tell your leader and come with us to find the other four cats," mewed Dapplepaw. "Come on, we don't have much time."

The two Rippleclan cats bounded into their territory to tell their leader about all that they had discovered.

Suddenly, Maplepaw called out "Just a question, what are your names?"

The beautiful she-cat smiled and mewed "I'm Riverpetal and that's Hawkripple."

Then, they padded away.

Warrior Cats #3-Finding HopeWhere stories live. Discover now