15// Bro code

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Tim Shepard posted a status.

Tim Shepard: Cherry you mess with my bro you mess with me

Dallas Winston: thanks bro

Tim Shepard: no problem bro that's what bros are for

Cherry Valance: I did nothing to "bro"

Tim Shepard: bruh you want to stick with that as your story

Johnny Cade liked this comment.

Cherry Valance: yep it's the truth so...

Darry Curtis: what's the dif between bruh and bro I thought they were the same thing

Ponyboy Curtis: Darry can u pls stop trying to be cool ur 20 years old

Dallas Winston: ugh ok bro is like your best guy friend like Tim/bro. bruh is like what or really

Tim Shepard: ok raise your hand if you saw Cherry abuse and be mean to Dally at any time and state what happened

Steve Randle and Darry Curtis liked this comment.

Ponyboy Curtis: 🙋 she threw a coke in his face

Johnny Cade: 🙋^^ also she yelled at him

Cherry Valance: wtf is this some court thing?

Tim Shepard: if you're speaking the truth you shouldn't worry about it

Cherry Valance: ...

Dallas Winston: well that shut her up

Ponyboy Curtis and 14 others liked this comment.

Tim Shepard: Thank you Pony and Johnny. You can now leave the court room.

Steve Randle: this isn't a judge show

Tim Shepard: bro code #451: never let one bro get in trouble for something bro didn't do and other bro stands by and watches


Steve Randle: you'd go insane with the bro code like Tim is now soda

Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston liked this comment.

Sodapop Curtis: bro I thought we were bros

Steve Randle: there is no "bro" with me

Sodapop Curtis: Bruh c'mon bro you my bro for life

Tim Shepard: bro code #17: if someone you considered bro doesn't want to be a bro they aren't a true bro to you

Johnny Cade and 11 others liked this comment.

Sodapop Curtis: thanks bro

Tim Shepard: never call me bro

Dallas Winston: he's my bro

Sodapop Curtis: sorry

Tim Shepard: you I would make one hell of a bro, kid. just need to find someone who is willing to be ur bro

Dallas Winston liked this comment.

Sodapop Curtis: pls Steve you would be a perfect bro

Steve Randle: if you really want to be my bro then I guess so

Tim Shepard: bro code #18: true bros always come back no matter the circumstance

Sodapop Curtis: YAYAYA

Steve Randle: calm down bro

Johnny Cade: it's only pony me two-bit an Darry left

Ponyboy Curtis: we're all we have left now

Johnny Cade and Darry Curtis liked this comment.

Sodapop Curtis: now don't go quoting me from the movie poni😏

Two-Bit Matthews: did anyone notice that I wasn't here?

Darry Curtis: *cricket sound*

Two-Bit Mattews: thanks bros I thought you bros liked me

Dallas Winston: bro we need to leave for the party

Tim Shepard: okay I'm coming by new bromies

Two-Bit Matthews liked this comment.

Darry Curtis: what the heck is that

Tim Shepard: bro homies now byeee

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