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The day had been dragging on, with client meeting draining my energy and leaving me longing for a break. Just as I settled into my chair, hoping for some peace, a soft knock broke the silence.

My assistant entered, looking worried. "Ma'am, CEO P'wan called," she said urgently. "She wants to speak with you in person. Says it's urgent."

P'wan's name caught my attention. "What did she say?" I asked, preparing myself for whatever news awaited.

"Not much, ma'am," my assistant admitted, looking unsure. "She just said it's important to talk face-to-face."

Ugh, P'wan always had the worst timing.

"Okay, Miss Domingo," I sighed, waving my assistant away. "I'll deal with it. Thanks for letting me know." As she left, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread settling over me. This meeting with P'wan had better be important, I thought, a mix of exhaustion and anticipation swirling within me.

I lazily reached for my phone and dialed the p'wan's number, disturbed by the incessant buzzing. It took several rings before she finally answered.

"Oh, hello our baby yoooooo~" she chirped cheerfully.

My forehead furrowed as I growled into the phone, "What do you want, P'wan?"

"Hey, that's not a nice way to greet your former boss," I could imagine her pouting, though her giggles betrayed her.

"Thankfully, you're not my boss anymore," I joked. Working with her had been like hanging out rather than working. She was a cool boss, and memories of our time together flooded back, both the good and the bad. More like memories with her...ohh erase erase erase! What are you even thinking yoko?! I pushed aside the negative thoughts, focusing on the happy ones.

"Hello, Yoko?" P'wan's voice brought me back to reality.

"Sorry? Sorry, P'wan, I missed what you were saying," I admitted.

"Hay, I knew you weren't paying attention when I was telling you..." P'wan was cut off by a breaking news report on the TV in front of me.

"Yes, folks, you heard it right. According to our sources, Faye Peraya Malisorn is planning to settle back in the country after almost five years in the US. Here's the interview," the reporter announced, and Faye's face appeared on the screen.

"Faye, it's been a while. How long do you plan on staying in the country?" the reporter asked, as Faye flashed her infamous smile.

"HAHAHA, sorry for making you miss me this much, guys. I'm planning to stay here for good, so don't worry," she laughed, making light-hearted jokes as the interview continues. But I couldn't comprehend more as the certain statement continuously lingers in my mind that sent shiver down my spine. 'I'm planning to stay here for good... 'I'm planning to stay here for good...'I'm planning to stay here for good...

Why did she have to come back now?! Oh God! The timing couldn't be worse.

Behind the Curtains: A Tale of Hidden EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now