Chapter 4

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The hectic week was finally over. Ahhh, finally some rest.

I slumped my body on the sofa, sinking into the cushions and closing my eyes. It had been a grueling week, filled with endless assignments from our professor. It felt like he had a hidden vendetta against us, drowning us in a sea of work.

Ahhh, adulthood is so hard.

I wish I could be a baby forever, just sleeping and drinking milk without a care in the world. HUHUHU.

My peaceful moment was interrupted by the incessant beeping of my phone. Arggg! God, I just want to rest!

I ignored the buzzing, hoping it would stop, but the sound continued. Groaning, I reached for my phone on the coffee table and answered the call without checking the caller ID, assuming it was Jane.

"What is it?!" I snapped, my tone dripping with irritation.

"Oh dear, sorry for calling, I'll hang up now," came a familiar voice that made my blood run cold. It was the CEO of Star Studio. My heart sank, and I mentally slapped myself for being so impulsive.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, ma'am. I thought it was my friend calling me. I'm so, so sorry. You're not bothering me at all. I've just had an exhausting day. May I ask why you called, ma'am?" I blurted out in one breath, my panic clearly audible.

'Yoko, you're so, so stupid!'

"HAHAHAH" The hearty laugh on the other end surprised me. What was she laughing about?

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, you're just so cute and funny. Anyway, I called to inform you of an important announcement. The executives and I have decided to give you another audition. We've seen potential in you that left me sleepless," she followed it with another laugh before continuing. "wondering if we should sign you on. Of course, if you're still interested in the project." Her tone shifted to a more serious one, making the gravity of her words sink in.

"Hello?" P'wan's voice pulled me out of my stupor.

"Oh, yes! Yes, of course. I'm sorry, I was just shocked by the news. I'm very much willing to take another audition, ma'am. I promise to do even better this time. Thank you so, so much!" I couldn't contain my happiness, my voice trembling with excitement. This week wasn't a hell after all, huh?

"You're welcome, dear. By the way, see you there on Monday. Same time, same venue. It was nice talking to you. Hopefully, you're the one we're looking for. Have a nice day." The call ended, but the smile never left my face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed, jumping up and down like a freaking kangaroo unable to contain the happiness bubbling inside me. Thank you, Lord!

It was unbelievable how I got another chance after messing up that audition. Whatever it was that they saw in me, I hoped I could prove them right.

Mondays are really my favorite day. I hope for a good result.

Star Studio, here I come!


Monday came, I arrived at the building early, right on time for the call. My nerves were on edge, but I took a deep breath and proceeded to the fifth floor, heading straight to the audition room.

As I walked in, I was greeted by the same panel from my previous audition. What shocked me more was the woman standing near the panel's table.

Oh my goodness, was she really a staff here?!

She had her back turned to me, but I recognized her figure immediately. It was the same girl who had been on my mind since that first day—the very same girl who had distracted me during my last audition.

My heart skipped a beat when she turned to face me with a beautiful smile.

That alluring smile could make anyone weak at the knees.

As I walked further into the room, she smiled even wider and spoke to me.

"Hello, welcome to Star Studio," she said with a cute wave.

Even though this was our first official meeting, I could tell she was kind, not to mention stunningly beautiful.

I learned that her name was Faye, and she was no other than the gorgeous lady who would be the lead actress in the series. Whoever the other main lead may be, she was lucky.

The thought of working closely with Faye was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. I tried to focus, pushing aside my nervousness as the audition began.

To my surprise, it turned out to be a wonderful experience. Faye was incredibly supportive and easy to work with. Her talent was undeniable, and she had a way of making everyone around her feel comfortable.

There was a scene where we had to act out a romantic encounter. Faye's gaze was so intense and genuine that it made my heart race.

We laughed and joked between takes, and she even helped me with some of my lines, offering tips and encouragement.

"You’re doing great, Yoko," she whispered to me at one point, her hand lightly brushing my arm.

"Just relax and be yourself."

Her words were like a balm to my frayed nerves, and I found myself smiling back at her, feeling more confident.

As the audition continued, I couldn't help but admire how down-to-earth and humble she was. Despite her fame, she treated everyone with kindness and respect.

And I found myself enjoying the process more and more,... thanks to her presence.

After what felt like both an eternity and a blink, the audition ended. The panel seemed pleased, and I felt a mix of relief and excitement. But the real shock came when I received the news that I would be the main character in the official cast of the series.

In my excitement, I unconsciously hugged Faye. She laughed and hugged me back, her warmth and sincerity making the moment even sweeter.

"I'm so happy for you, Yoko," she said, her eyes shining.

"We're going to have a great time working together." She added

As I pulled away, my heart was pounding with happiness.

"I will definitely enjoy this project," I thought to myself.

Working with Faye was going to be an incredible experience, and I couldn’t wait to see what the future held. This Monday turned out to be the best one yet, and I knew it was just the beginning of something amazing.


This is unedited. I would like to apologize for typographical errors grammatical errors and any kind of errors. I don't know if someone would read this story but if anyone did, thank you.

Also feel free to comment any suggestions I will really appreciate it.


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