Chapter 6

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It's been months since our shoot started, and I think Faye and I have grown closer every day. Working with her and the crew never felt like work. It felt more like play, especially during the teasing scenes.

"Oi, kiss me lighter," Faye whined, trying to compose herself.

This scene was no exception. My character had to kiss Faye's character on the cheek, and she was supposed to stay unbothered and nonchalant. But she was failing miserably.

"I'm doing exactly what I was told," I said, trying to hide my smirk. Though I really did something to her, something sneaky. I intentionally breathed near her ear, knowing it would distract her. I just couldn't help but tease her; I loved her reactions.

"Okay, okay." She said trying to compose herself again "Focus, Faye, focus," she muttered to herself, trying to stop from laughing.

I did my part correctly this time, but Faye still failed to hide her laughter. It wasn't my fault anymore.

"Come on, Faye, we should finish this scene," P'wan said, a bit annoyed but still smiling, clearly enjoying what she was witnessing.

We did it so many times that I lost count. Finally, after what felt like forever, we wrapped up the scene.

"And cut!"


"It's a wrap for today, everyone. Thank you for your hard work," Director George announced.

My days continued with the same routine: breakfast, shoot, memorizing lines, internalizing my character, lunch, more memorizing, dinner, and sleep. It was almost the same every day. Fun but exhausting.

Today was another shooting day for us. We had finished several scenes and were down to our last three takes. This time, it was a serious scene. I found it hard to act serious, not because I couldn't, but because I had trouble concentrating when I looked at Faye. I always wanted to laugh.

She was a dedicated actress, and the problem was me. I tried so hard to focus, and thankfully, the scene worked out beautifully, just as our director wanted.

Director George let us take a break to internalize our characters. I took the chance to isolate myself a bit, settling near a small pond to breathe in the fresh air. This place was nice.

Not a minute later, I felt someone hug me from the side.

"Here you are," said Faye.

"You missed me that much, huh?" I joked.

As we grew closer, Faye and I got used to being touchy. She was really clingy, and I wasn't complaining. I was comfortable with her and enjoyed those moments.

She hummed in response and leaned closer, settling herself in the hollow of my shoulder.

"I just want to stay like this. The air here is so fresh. You're really good at finding great spots, huh?"

I shrugged proudly. "What can I say? Being an introvert helps." Since I was a kid, I never enjoyed crowded places, so I always found spots with fewer people and spent most of my time alone. I found solace and serenity in quiet places.

I looked over my shoulder to watch Faye closely. It was new to me how we clicked so quickly. Usually, I'm aloof, and it takes time for me to feel comfortable with people. But with Faye, everything felt normal and natural. There was something about her that made her unique. One of those things was her beautiful soul.

I didn't know how long I had been staring at her, but she seemed to notice. She slowly raised her face and looked directly into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat with how intensely she was looking at me. Our faces were just inches apart, and I could literally smell her minty breath. 'God, what are you doing to me, Faye?!'

I fought with myself and abruptly stood up. "I think the break is over," I said hurriedly and almost ran back.

'What was that?!'

I couldn't explain what had just happened, but I couldn't explain more why my heart was acting this way.

Faye and I were a bit awkward after that encounter... or maybe it was just me. I couldn't look at her directly. I almost got scolded because I couldn't concentrate. I really prayed to all the gods I know, and thankfully, they listened. I was relieved after we finished shooting.

"Hey," I got chills hearing her voice again.

"Did I do something wrong?" Her voice was gentle as usual, but I didn't understand why I was acting this way.

She pulled me closer with all gentleness. "Yooooo~" I closed my eyes, hearing her cute little endearment. 'Calm down, heart, please. Don't embarrass me!'

"No." I uttered softly..., matching her energy.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" She looked up at me, pouting. My heart immediately warmed up.

"I'm not avoiding you. I was just thinking about something earlier."

"Is it about what happened back there? Are you uncomfortable with me being that close to you off-cam?"

I panicked at her statement. "No! No! Of course not! You know I'm comfortable with you, Faye." I held her hand, trying to convince her.

"Just tell me if you're uncomfortable about anything. I'm always willing to adjust. Just tell me." My heart melted at her gentleness. She was a gem.

I opened my arms and gave her a warm hug. "Everything is fine. Stop worrying. You didn't do anything wrong," I said, smiling.

"You sure?" she asked, still a bit worried.

I nodded and hugged her again. 'I will cherish every moment we share and always thank God for giving me someone like you. You're a great person, Faye, and a great friend.'

"Lovebirds, it's time to go," P'wan called out.

I flinched when p'wan called us. Here she is again with that 'lovebirds' thingy.

She loved teasing us together with marissa and other staff, saying we could be a great couple. They said that it wasn't really impossible for us to like each because we're both likeable. We just let them be with there teasing. I wasn't bother with that. I know my preference, Faye was a really good person and probably a great girlfriend. However, as Jane said... I'm old fashioned.

"Just continue that at your place," she teased again with a wink and left.

Faye and I looked at each other and laughed. Just like that, everything was back to normal again.



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