Chapter 7

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I woke up in a white hospital gown, my hands and legs were strapped onto the blue chair i was sitting on, i looked around with my eyes and scanned the room carefully to see if anyone was inside with me , thankfully there was know one, but the only thing that caught my attention was the huge mirror on the wall, it was gold and it had these weird patterns on it.

I suddenly heard a knock, i though it was coming from the window ... but there isnt a window in this room , i heard it once again .... It was coming from the mirror.
I tried freeing myself but the strapps were REALLY hard to break.

The room was very dark. there was only one light on top of me, it kept flickering like crazy, i started seeing things in the corner of my eye. It was like a long black shadow or figure, it was sprinting across the room, the problem was that i KNEW i was alone but it didn't feel like it, i felt like there was something staring at me but i didnt know were.

I tried screaming but no one heard anything i guess , it felt like everything came crashing down on me, i tried screaming again but instead i fell WITH the chair and hit my head on the ground, i got so mad and wished that i was in ANY other room or somthing.

I don't know what happend next but i found myself in another room, untied, and i saw alex infront of me, he was looking in the mirror, i ran to him but what i saw made me freeze in my place, i saw myself on the floor crying, i looked at alex but he wasn't moving, its like he just .... Froze in place.

I looked at my hands but they were see through?? AM I DEAD?!??!, I closed my eyes and said "i  wish that i could go to my room" and sure enough i found myself in the room, still on the floor and still tied to the chair but the mirror was gone, it was broken i saw Alex standing and he looked horrified.

Alex's pov:
I woke up in this weird white hospital rob thingy, my hands and legs were tied to a red chair and i was in a weird dark small room with no windows and not even a door wich is VERY weird, but there was this big mirror infront of me but i couldn't see myself in it ... Instead i saw lia?? AM I IN HER BODY??!?....

I then realized it was a 2 way mirror, anyways, i TRIED getting her attention and started screaming but she couldn't hear me, i even started rocking my chair to get closer to the mirror but instead one of the straps broke which was WAYYYY better than i though, i then proceeded to free my other hand and then my legs, i SPRINTED out of my chair and RAN to the mirror, i didnt want to startle her so i knocked on the mirror "gently" , and i swear to god she literally tried JUMPING out of her seat like a maniac, she then looked around the room trying to find were she heard the knock, so i "gently" knocked again but i guess she ignored it.

I then saw this little switch beside the mirror i flicked it on but nothing happend i then flicked it off and on and off and on and then i realized that i was controlling the light from Lia's room, it was SO fun seeing her this confused.

i saw her looking with her eyes and scanning the room, it looked like she saw somthing move in the room because the next thing i knew was she looked like she was screaming??? She tried freeing herself but she failed MISRABLY she fell on her head to the floor i got a little worried not gonna lie, she was crying, i saw her mumble somthing in her breath and then i saw a weird flash of light coming from her hair.

I couldn't move. It was like i was stuck, that's when i heard her voice, she was behind me but infront of me in the same time, the only thing i could move was my eyes, i swear i saw her in the corner of my eye, i then heard her say "i wish that i could go to my room", then i saw the same light i saw in the mirror but in the corner of my eye, i then heard some hight pitched noise, and that noise made the mirror BREAK.

i opened my eyes and realized that i could move, i also saw Lia tied up in the chair still on the floor but this time, she was looking directly at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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