Chapter One ~ The Last Seat

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Tsukasa's POV:

This whole situation all started back in first year. I had been minding my own business, walking through the hallway with Shizuku to class, when all of the sudden people behind us began freaking out. When I looked back to see what was happening, suddenly...BAM! I was hit in the face, hard!

Of course, when something the size of your head that weighs about thirty pounds knocks you to the floor, a concussion is almost certain. And that's how I met Rui Kamishiro, the oddball of our school. And unfortunately for Rui, that incident made him a social outcast.

And I got a bad impression on him, especially after he gave me an apology letter. I didn't read it because I didn't want anything to do with him, but I kept it. I don't know why...because I hated the guy, but maybe if I ever need to I can use it against him.


But now, two years later, I haven't really talked to Kamishiro. He's at the back of my mind, especially since I'm a third year who's on the disciplinary committee, and I'm in the drama club of our school. I have a good life going, with my sister out of the hospital and a good friend group!

I smile to myself as I walk to my class...3-C. I look up at the door, and I confidently walk in. I wave to my teacher and then scan the classroom for any friends. Oh. Oh no...

Not only do I not see any familiar faces, besides one, but that familiar face is Rui. Rui Kamishiro, my least favorite person on this planet.

My heart sinks even further into my chest as I realize the only available seat of the one right next to Rui. Right. Next. To. Him. Oh my stars, isn't this lovely!

Rui's POV:

I didn't feel like talking to anyone in my class, not only because everyone at this school hates me, but also because I don't have any friends in this class. Well, I only had two friends...and those two were second years, so I'm not even sure why I get my hopes up...

But as I hear some footsteps coming closer, and then someone sitting in the seat behind me, I sigh. Of course the last seat was the one next to me. Nobody would ever want to sit by me...

Who even was the unlucky person next to me?

I look back, and see blonde hair with peach tips, angry amber eyes, and the tragically familiar, freckly face of Tsukasa Tenma.


Tsukasa's POV:

I ignored him as he looked back and realized I was the unlucky one sitting behind him, averting my eyes to the side. Damn Rui...why him? Why was he stuck with him after a successful long while of avoiding him?!? Tsukasa begged himself not to say something aloud to Rui as the other guy turned away from him.

I hate Rui. I hate the way that he talks. I hate the ways that he mopes all class and then gets good grades. I hate his purple hair with the odd teal streaks. I hate his cat-like yellow eyes. I hate his ridiculous blue cardigan. I hate him.

But why does he make me want to be closer to him?

I have made so many people smile, except Rui won't smile anymore...and I wonder every day how he could go through life without being happy. I know what it's like to be depressed and have nothing left in life, but even then, how could Rui go on like this for so long?

I almost wish...that I could help him...


I hate him.


What else can go wrong when I sit down at my favorite spot for lunch? Nothing! I bit into my sandwich before noticing footsteps coming my way. I look up to see Shizuku, my friend.

🌟: "Ah! Shizuku, what brings you here? You usually eat with your group?"

I give her a big smile, especially since she's been one of my best friends since we were little.

💧: "Well, I heard about you being in the same class as Kamishiro...I wanted to speak with you about it."

I slowly put my sandwich down, hiding my anger about the situation.

🌟: "Sure."

She sits down next to me, and puts her hand on my shoulder.

💧: "Tsukasa...did you ever read Rui's apology letter?"

I felt a lump form in my throat.

🌟: "No..."

💧: "You really should. Maybe there's something in there that will put your mind at ease. I know it's been nearly two years...but that's one of my points. Let it go. Yes, he gave you a concussion...but everyone has accidents."

I look away from her, not exactly taking what she said to heart. I didn't want to hear him out...not when his existence brings me misfortune.

🌟: "I'll think about it..."

I lied. Why would I lie to her? Well, maybe it wasn't a lie...but I definitely wouldn't be thinking about opening it on purpose! I don't want to hear any apologies from Rui. If he had something to say, he should say it out loud.

Shizuku gave me a warm smile, before standing up to leave.

💧: "Thank you, Tsukasa. And also, I'll see you tomorrow."

Shizuku walked off, and I just continued eating my sandwich, not wanting to think about that stupid letter any longer. I hated Rui, and everything could stay that way.

At least lunch time was my salvation...

Until the bell rings...

I know that this is in the introduction but I'm going to repeat it; updates might be random, but I'm going to try and upload every week or two. I have random bursts of motivation sometimes, but I'll try to stay consistent with every week! Please be patient! Have a wonderful day/night!

Also, I want to do random questions every chapter to bring in a fun way to share your thoughts! This week...

What is your favorite ship in Project Sekai?

Bye! :)

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