Chapter Three Asher

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The smoky air clogged my nose, as the insufferable heat seeped into my pores. I looked around at the vast sky, tinted red. Api, the planet of fire with all of its smokey cloud glory.

I stuck the practice dummy with my shinning bronze sword once more.

"Your father wants you." With a twist of the blade, the straw intestines spilled out of the fabric.

"What does he need now?" I turned to Ezera.

"Your presence. It's not my place to ask him questions about how he raises his son." Ezera took four of the swords littered on the dusty ground of the practice arena and placed them onto one of the racks.

I scoffed, "yeah raise"

"I'm simply telling you so you're prepared for when he calls you to his office."

"Thanks," I sighed, the crackling of fire filling the empty void of noiselessness. With apprehension I looked up at the obsidian castle that was my father's. The stone seemingly pulling out all light the fire restlessly creates.

I turned my sword back into a chain bracelet that hung upon my wrist. "Its happening," I said slowly.

Ezera stared at me with interest as my fingertips began to prickle more and more. My fingertips turned black, then ghostly white, until my arms were caught in the wind.

"Good luck." Ezera said as my body turned into particles that blew up to my father's office.

"You called for me?" All life had long since been sucked out of this room, and the jade blaze's futile attempts to glow thwarted denied by the shadows. The main source of light was the impressive stained glass window behind his desk.

He stood up, only a silhouette showing but I'd seen him many times before, and our resemblance haunted me. Both of us had dark brown hair, a similar facial structure, but there was one main difference he hated. My mom's elven genes, causing my brown eyes to be mottled with orange and red, and the points of my ears were sharper.

"As you might know I have work to do. You will be going back to the Academy to study your magic."

"Work to do?"

"You know my job is very demanding. I don't have time."

He doesn't have time for me. That's what he meant. It was for the best but I didn't care. I'd rather have at least one moment were he acted like a parent before I left him for the next school year.

"It could be a quick detour that's it."

"No. And that's final. I'm leaving in a few minutes. Ezera will see you to your mother's place and she'll drop you and your sister off."


"No, and don't disappoint me."

"How could I?" I said bitterly.

"Maybe I should have you see Elvina and Aria less often. You seem to have developed their mouth from spending time with them."

"How would you know?" I muttered. "You don't bother to meet your daughter."

When my parents divorced they did what seemed would be a reasonable way to split up twins. One to each parent. At least I got to visit my mom and Aria, which were the highlights of my life.

He never wanted to meet her. Whenever I asked him about that he'd say she reminded him too much of my mom.

That was fine with me. I wanted to keep her far away from him, but it never helped that she was always curious as to who her father was.

"What was that, son?"


"That's exactly what I would expect from you." I hid my clenched fist behind my back. "You will go to the Academy tomorrow. As I recall it's Fifteen Fest. Do your best to win the physical competition, I wouldn't want to know I brought Ezera to train you for nothing. Get good marks as well, knowledge is useful if you want to survive. The past and its secrets can shape the future. You can use things that you have learned to unlock that and make a difference."

I groaned inwardly. Not another one of his speeches. I was sure he was trying his best to make me become what he was. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Are you not listening to me?"

"No way, of course I'm listening to you."

His expression darkened once he heard the sarcasm. "These things are useful, boy, and someday you'll learn that whether you like it or not. Now, I can't be any later because of you. Don't disappoint me." He looked me in the eye before teleporting away in a column of white hot flame.

I whispered, "yes father." 

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