Chapter Eleven Asher

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I lunged forward to try to pull the creature off of Principal Stera, but to my right I saw Ava.

"Got him!" Ava pulled it off of her before I could. Of course she did. Immediately the creature calmed down, why would the creature find her calming? She seemed like the aggressive type that has to win. Why else would she pull that move?

"A fruit lemur?" Leo stepped forward, looking confused. "They're usually calm, why would it get this agitated?" Leo asked as Ava gingerly stroked the fruit lemur. Its fluffy ears budded up against her, and was it... softly purring?

As the name may suggest they were brightly colored like fruit, and this one was yellow with stripes like lightning. It's pure yellow eyes unnerving as if it was seeing straight through your soul.

I groaned. "The lemur was hungry," I pointed to the food, "and he must've seen the food."

"Then why is he all of a sudden so calm with Ava?" Leo asked.

"Fruit lemurs often find people that they are attached to, and usually try to stick with them as their guard until they can't." Luna informed us.

"Get rid of this creature. I don't care if it is a fruit lemur or a unicorn. Just get it off of my school's property." Principal Stera yelled. As she stood up the remnants of what must've been soup dripped off of her head and shoulders.

"But Principal Stera," Ava started.

"Do you really want this vicious creature amongst us?" She asked, eyeing the crowd of students. They were being much smarter than us, they were trying not to get in the middle of the lemur vs. principal fiasco.

"Principal Stera." Luna started, eyeing the principal with her dark purple eyes. "What?" She turned to Luna, and unlike other times her gaze didn't soften. Perfect. With Luna vouching for us to keep the lemur, Principal Stera would definitely cave. I would never bet against Luna, but I hoped she could convince her from chucking the fruit lemur off of the mountain.

"The fruit lemur was only trying to get food. Are we going to deny him something that keeps him alive? Plus once they are fed they're usually much calmer, and he is obviously attached to Ava." She pointed to Ava, who was now cradling the animal like it was a baby. "We promise we will keep it out of trouble and you won't have to worry about him ever again." She said, seemingly convincing Stera.

"Fine but if I see that... that thing causes any more trouble you will be accounted for." Principal Stera stuttered. "Now could somebody get me a napkin!" She yelled, then a breezie floated up with a white fabric napkin, and it dabbed the soup off of her.

Everyone in the hall stared at us with curiosity. The commotion caused everyone to set down their food, and pay attention to this more than Principal Stera's speech.

Both Aria and Luna glanced over at Stera and started guiding Ava over to our tables.

"So, what are you going to name him?" Leo walked up to Ava.

"How about snuggles or cutesykinns?" Aria said, starting to name off a bunch of ridiculous names.

Both Luna and I looked at her dumbfounded. "Um, how about no?" Luna said.

"Those names weren't that bad." Aria defensively said.

"Ava, because the fruit lemur likes you, why don't you name him?" Luna suggested. Great, now Ava was probably going to name it some ridiculous name, just like Aria.

"You say he's a fruit lemur?" She asked.

"Yup." Luna replied.

"So what are some fruits that are yellow?" The lemur climbed up onto her head and he pulled even more strands of hair out of her hair tie. Great, I have an idea on where Ava is going with this. Please say she's not naming the lemur after a fruit.

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