Chapter Six Blake

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"Blake, don't you think it's a pity that people are separated by their magic for these games?" Vita cooed.

"Ummm, I guess." I shifted uncomfortably.

"At least now I can hope light goes up against air."

"And why do you want that?"

"I'd have another opportunity to show her who's boss."

My mind flashed back to the beautiful girl with light brown hair and piercing blue and silver eyes that Vita was arguing with. "The person you were talking with?"

"Yeah her," she said with disgust, flipping her short blonde hair.

"How come you don't like her?"

"Ugg, she's conceited, constantly picking fights with me, and somehow people like her."

Her reasoning was utterly daft. I nodded like I understood, though I was confused. Wasn't Vita the one who had picked a fight with her?

"If my magic, light, goes up against Aria's then I'd have a chance to beat her. Unless you go up against her, do you think you could do that for me?" She smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, Vita!" Liam called, "it's about to start, you better get over to your team."

"Coming! I'll see you later." She waved at me before walking over to her team."

"Mhmm, see ya."

I had to restrain a sigh of relief. How in Kristella did I get tangled with Vita? She was a bloody nightmare. Too bad my roommates were a part of her social group, otherwise I could've had an opportunity to talk to anyone else.

"Are you a part of water?" A dark haired girl asked. I nodded. "Great! I'm Macy, a level two. I haven't seen you around, so I'm guessing this is your first time here?"

"Yeah, I'm also a level two." I looked around me and saw about ten other people.

She cocked her head, "you're from Acquace aren't you?"

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"I can tell from the accent, I've been there a few times."

Despite my parents traveling all over Kristella due to them being on the water and ice court, I'd lived in our manor on Acquace with only my brothers and staff for company. Simon would dashed through the halls creating all sorts of mischief that the staff were less than happy to deal with. The eldest brother, Kaiden, would make sure Simon helped clean up whenever he caused disarray in house.

"Is this all of the people with water magic?" I wondered.

"Yep! There is one other person in level two, Kila. Wait, Kila! Get over here!" Macy waved over another girl.

"What? We're in the middle of discussing who's being our champion."

"We've got another level two here!" Macy called over.

"I'll be over there in a second!" Her dark braids whipped around.

Macy smiled apologetically, "it usually takes forever for the magics to select who is representing them. Either there is someone who is perfect for the task, or we draw names."

"Is there someone good in this magic?" I asked.

She shrugged, "no one outstanding. Someone could argue that the older levels would be better, but usually the topics are random, stuff about metals, history, or government."

"Everyone! May I have your attention again?" Stera called out once it seemed like everyone had found their groups. "The drawing is going to begin. I'm going to draw each type of magic written on a slip of parchment out of a basket to determine who each magic will go up

against." Everybody clamored in anticipation. "Unfortunately there will be competition with three teams competing."

Principal Stera stuck her hand into the basket. "First versus plant! Fire versus dark, water versus moon, rock versus death, sun versus life, and storm versus lava. And lastly is the three, air, light, and mind! Everyone disperse to the area where yours is being held. Dismissed."

I looked through the dispersing crowd and saw Vita in their midst. Thank Kristella I didn't have to be around her any longer. I was knackered after having a simple conversation, I didn't know how much more time I could spend with her.

"I heard that the water magic is supposed to be next to the greenhouse from one of the level sixes." Macy told me as Kila walked up to us.

"Thank goodness it wasn't next to the armory like last year. I had taken it up with Stera about the dangers of holding a competition next to pointy objects." Kila sighed.

"Wait- oh no." Macy groaned.

"What?" Kila asked, "is there something wrong?"

"We're going up against moon, there's no way they're not going to pick Luna. We're screwed."

Kila shrugged, "best case scenario one of the level ones is good or this guy is."

I shook my head, "I'm no Aatos." I said, mentioning the Fae of wisdom.

"Then yeah, we're screwed."

"Hey guys?" A boy's voice called from our group. "Water elementalists? May I get your attention?"

A loud whistle pierced through the talking. "Listen up! I'm Kaisa, yeah like the Fae I know, and this is Can. We're the level sixes. Does anybody want to volunteer to be the champion for this competition?"


"Any interest at all?" Can asked.

"Fine, we'll have to draw orbs." Kaisa summoned a bowl made out of water and everyone summoned a little ball of water and floated it into the bowl.

I summoned my own orb and placed it with the rest.

Kaisa stirred her hand until she plucked out a small droplet. "Blake Rine, you are selected to represent us in the knowledge competition."

Kila turned to me, "well you better be Aatos soon."

Macy nudged her, "we were doomed already, it's not his fault."

I shrugged, "nah its fine, I know a decent amount of stuff, I'll be able to hold my own."

Did the two of them really think that we were doomed to lose only because of the fact we were going up against moon? I was sure there was a chance we could win, even if we were going up against Luna, whoever she was.

"I think it's beginning now." Kila whispered to Macy.

A woman stood in front of the two crowds of students. "Hello kids, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Mrs Cook, a spells teacher. I'll be the one judging and overseeing this competition. There will be five questions asked to each champion, and one tie breaker if necessary. Can the champions step up to their podium?"

Both the girl and I stepped up to our podiums. Running my fingers over the surface of the wood I looked to see the small crowd watching us. I tried to get a good look at her, but her back was faced away, discussing some quick strategy.

"Let the games begin!" Mrs Cook announced as the girl turned to face me.

I looked closely at her and realized Luna was the girl who was with Aria. Vita would want me to beat her. 

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