Chapter Eight Asher

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"This competition is going to work differently than the last." Principal Stera addressed the crowd.

I would hope so, the knowledge comp was deadly boring. It was only exciting for the ones competing, and thank Hotaru I'd most likely be competing in the next one.

"Instead of each magic breaking off in their groups everyone is going to watch each one. Everyone break off into their groupings before I explain the rest."

The three of us glanced at each other before we walked off.

"You think Asher is going to compete?" Someone whispered behind me. I stiffened.

"He better, and he better win too. We already lost the knowledge competition."

"There will be a silver toss to see which team selects the weapon. Before the competition each team will have three minutes to decide who their champion is." Continued Principal Stera.

"And there will be no maiming." Coach added, "the winner will have to point their opponent."

"First off is water versus mind." Stera announced after pulling the names out of a basket.

The competition was dull. It took only seconds for water to disarm mind then press her dagger against their throat until Coach declared water the winner. At least the next rounds were most intense, each side putting up more of a fight.

"Next up is..." Principal Stera pulled two slips of paper out of the basket. This was the last round, she'd already accidentally pulled out three slips of paper, and that was quite the battle. It had to be fire that was selected, but I had no clue who we were with, I had lost count of who went and who didn't.

"Fire and sun!" Huh, I didn't really know anyone from that magic group besides Rowan, one of Macy's friends, but he had to miss Fifteen Fest this year.

A couple of older levels were on fencing and a wistel ball team, but none of them were outstanding.

"Guys, get over here, we have three minutes to decide who we want to send." One person ordered.

The two guys who were whispering earlier glance at each other. "How about Asher?"

"You think he'll be the best?"

They nodded, "he's the best."

"Champions! Come to the center of the ring for the coin toss!" Coach said.

"You got this!" Someone clapped me on the back as I stepped up to my side of the ring.

A girl stepped up on the other side, a girl that I've never seen before. She was either new to one of the higher levels, or an incoming level one.

The girl turned her head and laughed at something someone from her group said. She had some type of unreal but natural beauty, her wavy hair glowing in the sun, and bliss that danced in her eyes.

I shook the feeling off. This was stupid. Currently she was an enemy that I needed to beat in order to win.

"Which side?" Coach asked me, holding up the silver ready to toss.

"Laurel," I responded. It was the only side I ever picked. I figured it had to be some form of good luck if it represented victory.

The metal flashed as it flipped

"Sorry kid, it landed on the element side." He turned to the girl, "what weapon?"

She paused, then smiled, "sword."

I couldn't be more grateful that she chose that. If she'd known that I've been training with the sword since I could hold it she'd be a fool. Hopefully she knew what she was doing, then this could be interesting.

Coach held out a sword for me.

"No need," I told him. "I've got my own." I flicked my wrist and my bronze chain bracelet turned into a sword. One of the few gifts I had gotten from my mother when I visited.

He shrugged, "suit yourself."

The girl also denied the weapon, settling for the gold blade sheathed along her back.

"Champions get ready!" Stera called, "the match will start in... three, two, one!" Coach blew his whistle.

We circled each other, not wanting to be the one to initiate the first move.

"Come on Ava! You got this!" A guy from the crowd called and she gripped her hilt.

Ava swung at me first, the gold clanging against my bronze. I parried her attack and advanced in an attempt to corner her.

Somehow she anticipated my move, actually did a somersault, and came up ready to attack behind me.

I whirled around and ducked as she sent the sword over my head.

The new girl, Ava, was good. Too good.

I quickly got up, but a flash of metal danced across my vision. A sharp sting flared across my cheek.

"Is Asher really going to get beaten by a newcomer?" Vita taunted. I gritted my teeth.

I didn't let the blood dripping down my face or her taunting distract me. I started advancing, harder, faster.

Our swords were a whirl and I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

Beads of sweat ran down my neck as my muscles burned. Once this was over, I might have to ask her to practice with me, she knew what she was doing.

I hit her sword with an unexpected force and she fell to the ground.

I walked closer to her, raising my sword and expecting to get point, winning the game.

Panic flared in her eyes, but then an unexpected cold, steely look.

Something slammed into my legs, knocking me to the ground. I looked up and saw her rising to her feet.

No she couldn't have. Everyone knows that;s a dirty move. They even considered making it illegal a few years back in swordsman championships. It was the talent with the sword who made the winner, not the ability to kick someone.

She looked down at me, with something that almost looked like regret.

Ava pressed her sword against my chest, "point." 

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